Snipers in beacon mode

Beacon mode needs capture to win, yet every xxxx time there r half of teammates staying back and camping.

Get kills sometimes, but never win once


Go play CS if u so want to be a sniper. Snipers suck in this game

Anyone agree?

 A bad “sniper” frig in this game is no worse then a fighter focused on kills but not objectives, an inty doing the same, a guard frig …doing the same… You follow the gist here? I see tons of complaints about sniping, usually by fighter pilots thinking if someone isn’t doing what they do, then they’re wrong. Fact is a -good- sniper frig focused on putting damage on incoming enemy, and clearing enemy off beacons is JUST as useful and contributing to the battle as any fighter capping. Having too much of either snipers or fighters causes issues.


The solution to this issue is to make sure you are looking at your roster as your team spawns, an pick a role that can assist the others. Try an remember that along with all that, your team is usually random players. Expecting pro team coordination is rather silly. Some teams will be awesome, some will suck, an others will be middle of the road… welcome to random matchmaking, it’s pretty common in nearly every game that allows random players to team up.

I agree entirely on this. You don’t need amazing co-ordination to win games or a perfect ship roster; you just need everyone on the team to have a rough idea of what the big picture is, and what part they play in it.


Snipers play no part in the big picture most of the time. When I was running my LR Frigates I rarely ever used its sniper mode, instead trying to close on objectives and brawl. If we managed to take a beacon, then I would set up and snipe at that beacon; in effect, I was guarding it.


Nowhere near enough snipers know how to snipe in a way that is remotely useful to their team. I played a game last night with one of my friends who’s just come back into the game and he commented how we curb-stomped a team. My reply? “They had three snipers, we had none. Auto-win to us.” 

snipers are nice if they can snipe people. all i gotta say.

it was already like this when i still played the game. dumb snipers sitting near the spawnpoint and didn’t move their asses. if they would have done what Jasan does i wouldn’t see a problem but usually the snipers got ~200 points in the match and were just useless meat which didn’t help the team.

I dont get why i got the downvote, prolly becouse i did not get my point throught.


Playing a sniper, sittin back and not killing people is useless in an objective-styled map. (leaves your team with 1 less player to complete objectives. Thats a bad thing!)  :what:


Playing a sniper sittin back killing a lot of people is very usefull in an objective-styled map (leaves less enemies to complete objectives. Thats a good thing!) :good:


That said having 5 snipers on a team is no-go. No matter how good they are, but having a couple good snipers are a great benefit. And this comes from the guy flying intercepters, mainly recon ships.

On a side note, there are a LOT of bad snipers out there incapebel of hitting the broad side of a guardships xxxx…  :sad:

Agreed…though the truely sad thing is… bad frigate pilots of any kind seem to be the main complaint. Yet they are vastly outnumbered by the number of fighter pilots that can’t shoot, think, cap a goal, or support a team mate in any useful fashion. I’m always boggled by the insanely constant number of threads and complaints about frigates… yet you rarely hear anyone going on about “ZOMG those fighter pilots…soooo sucktasticaly useless…”

Weird huh?


Bottom line…bad pilot is a bad pilot, doesn’t matter what ship they are in. I’d leave “frigs” out of the discussion point an look at the real cause. :slight_smile:

Snipers in Other games like Ghost Recon Online are nortorious for camping and trying to raise the k/d ratio.  Someone told snipers that the objectives are for other people.  We find that someone and this problem is over!  This is a direct result of Kill Death Ratio Syndrome.  To the inmature non team player K/D is all that matters not you and the stupid game.  You see this in every game out from SC to BF3 to GRO to infinity…


Its just the pugs life.  If you see me in game I will be playing the objectives.  I will probably be the only one but hey good times good times.

Agreed…though the truely sad thing is… bad frigate pilots of any kind seem to be the main complaint. Yet they are vastly outnumbered by the number of fighter pilots that can’t shoot, think, cap a goal, or support a team mate in any useful fashion. I’m always boggled by the insanely constant number of threads and complaints about frigates… yet you rarely hear anyone going on about “ZOMG those fighter pilots…soooo sucktasticaly useless…”

Weird huh?


Bottom line…bad pilot is a bad pilot, doesn’t matter what ship they are in. I’d leave “frigs” out of the discussion point an look at the real cause. :slight_smile:

This is because, if nothing else, a bad fighter pilot or a bad interceptor pilot is a bullet sponge. They can draw fire, or even draw enemies out of position, so the rest of us can get the job done.


A bad sniper can be ignored for the entire game; he will not kill anyone, he will not assist anyone, he may not even see anyone. A bad sniper is no threat; a bad fighter is still a potential hazard.

This is because, if nothing else, a bad fighter pilot or a bad interceptor pilot is a bullet sponge. They can draw fire, or even draw enemies out of position, so the rest of us can get the job done.

With engi frigates in the fray they become really good bullet sponges…


A bad sniper can be ignored for the entire game; he will not kill anyone, he will not assist anyone, he may not even see anyone. A bad sniper is no threat; a bad fighter is still a potential hazard.


Even as a sniper that hits 25% of my shots on quicker targets, I know I’m useless. I’ve tried it, it’s stupid. Sniper frigs don’t damage other frigates enough for it to be worth it. That’s the major problem. You can one shot and inty, but if they’re slow enough for you to hit, someone else was going to take it out in a hurry anyways…

Don’t know if this is just my experience or not, but I find when the majority of a team (4-5+) snipes, they usually end up losing.


And one of the things I find most fun in this game is sneaking up behind a sniping frig, plugging my damage mods and raping him in the backside.


So yeah, I have no problem with sniping :good:

Know what I love?


When I shoot at someone, and some random ally comes out of nowhere and blasts the same dude even if I wasn’t pinging it. Snipers are very good at doing that sort of stuff if they aren’t just loafing off with their dumbass disintegrators. LRF’s suck, at least that’s my opinion of them in t2, but the six gun setup on an engie with a Hailgun or Stabalized rail is a great ally.

Technically, snipers aren’t supposed to be moving in on objectives. They are there to pin down the enemy and attrit them when possible.


The problem arises when you have too many snipers on a team. Then who do you have left to claim objectives?


Since the game is so keen on roles now, perhaps they should start to create slots in teams.


For example: No more than 2 long range frigates, 2 covert ops intys, etc. on a given team. It would slow down the matchmaking at first, but people would start migrating to fill in the roles that weren’t taken.