Signing Off

This has been a long time coming, and I’m at a loss as to what to write. There will be those who are overjoyed to see me leave (and troll this post mercilessly), and others who just won’t care. Sadly, most of the players who would have cared left long before me.


This is it; the big one. I’m uninstalling, and not coming back.


My thanks to the guys of DYN, PREY, FINN, ARCH, and OWL. Faero, Natty, Kao, Nuke, and G4; you guys made this game fun and kept me playing long after I probably should have ragequit.


Special thanks to xKostyan for being my personal nemesis; I will miss our flame wars.


Shoutout to Koromac for giving me my Gauss Cannon blueprint. You sir, are awesome.



To the developers: You’ve got one awesome game, and it was fun while it lasted. But I can’t keep investing my time into a game that doesn’t return on that investment. Life is far too short for that.


So with that, this is SoldiersFortune, signing off.


*Comm Signal Lost*



You’ll come back to visit though, right? (I know you don’t know me, but I felt obligated to ask)

You’ll come back to visit though, right? (I know you don’t know me, but I felt obligated to ask)

He uninstalled the game for good and it looks like that he’s not coming back.

What a shame. He helped with a lot stuff here.

They say that this game will fail, when I will be the one to left it.


Sad times… My allies fall one by one, and my enemies leave me with no-one to shoot anymore.

This is Admiral Petrarch, signing off.

Farewell soldier, you were a mighty adversary on the battlefield.

Reading this makes me sad, even though I never talked with that guy (OP) but I’ve seen him few times in the forums.

Att. wh0re spotted.

Att. wh0re spotted.


Happy trails SoldiersFortune.


Att. wh0re spotted.


The fact that you felt compelled to comment in such a way speaks volumes about your own need for attention.

Att. wh0re spotted.

Yeah, that att. wh0re is waaaaaaaay far from this topic. He’s not here. Probably in sector 1234.

Yeah, that att. wh0re is waaaaaaaay far from this topic. He’s not here. Probably in sector 1234.

Of course, cause he left, did you read the 1st post?

Of course, cause he left, did you read the 1st post?

Oh after reading what I said, it looks like I am insulting him. I never meant to insult him rofl.

Wow, SoldiersFortune. GL HF. Take care. =(