Shows wrong amount of ships

Ships i own right now, 69

ships shown for others, 90


please, this picture should explain what im talking about. if you want to check for urself. please look at my name down right corner and look at my profile inside game. 

look bottom of chat. “click on picture to open it in its right size” 



It’s not a bug, darling. The total number of ships owned included those you sold. I prefer the term ‘pawned’, since you can actually redeem them. Besides, ships further down the tech tree remain unlocked, so technically you still ‘own’ them.

Did you ever thought about the point that this is intended? It shows the amount of ships you ever had, even if you sell a ship.

Btw on the titles -> ships you anyway can see that this player has the ship, also when he sold it.

Usually it’s not necessary to “fix” it, if it’s really a bug, because nearly nobody sell ships.

Anyways i think this is intended.

Did you ever thought about the point that this is intended? It shows the amount of ships you ever had, even if you sell a ship.

Btw on the titles -> ships you anyway can see that this player has the ship, also when he sold it.

Usually it’s not necessary to “fix” it, if it’s really a bug, because nearly nobody sell ships.

Anyways i think this is intended.

then it would been reasonable for me to se 90 ships aswell as everyone else.

if ppl is not supposed to see how many ships i own when i have sold some. then why should i see it.


also i reported it months ago and by that time. this was not intended. so okay? 


try explaining this. lol


How many ships exactly do you own? Have you sold any ships before? 

How many ships exactly do you own? Have you sold any ships before? 

but that prometheus tho. 


yes, but if i sell ships right it should still say i own 90" instead of a broken system that shows exacly the amount of ships that i own but only i can see it and for everyone else it shows total ships purchased 


either show how many ships i own or show how many ships purchased. but not both.