Show your support for more Dreadnought Battle times and balancing.

Let me Begin by saying I enjoy the game mode Dreadnought Battles a lot.

  and I would like to be able to play it more often.

so I have thought of a few suggestions offered for your comment.


  1. In both Empire and Jerhico areas have 2 battles in each sector.

    rather than 4 games daily you can have six, this would allow a greater global coverage of game play


  1. A rule that if a corp holds over 3 sectors they must defend alone.



3)Allowing corps to hold guest accounts, or the ability to hire mercenaries as attackers



4).Allowing 2 wings of 4 of 2 different corps to attack as 8 and split the rewards accordingly



  1. For all the corps who finished their Dreadnought ahead of time a unique title of a day 1 corp,

make this available to all members.


6)what would you think of a rule if no defenders show all the attckers can “spar” ( if you attack a sector and no defense shows, you get so much rewards. if you chose to continue to  spar vrs another attacking corp although they may have not been attacking vrs the same sector.  you can still get a game and the winners get and xtra 5% damage 


Please feel free to add your thoughts to this request


  HalFfast CEO BOJ

While I agree with you on some of these, not all are feasible/necessary.


  1. In both Empire and Jerhico areas have 2 battles in each sector.

    rather than 4 games daily you can have six, this would allow a greater global coverage of game play

The second time in fed space was added to accomodate the SA time zone. I don’t think adding in more times for Emp/Jer is necessary, as it would only make it harder to hold on to sectors.


  1. A rule that if a corp holds over 3 sectors they must defend alone.

There is already the drawback that if a corp owns more than 4 sectors, the defense points do not regenerate.



3)Allowing corps to hold guest accounts, or the ability to hire mercenaries as attackers

Yes please. Hiring mercenaries for attacks needs to happen. Maybe the corp has to pay the mercenary a fixed amount of iridium out of the corp stash.



4).Allowing 2 wings of 4 of 2 different corps to attack as 8 and split the rewards accordingly

Could be interesting, but if a mercenary hiring system would be implemented, I don’t think this would be necessary.



  1. For all the corps who finished their Dreadnought ahead of time a unique title of a day 1 corp,

make this available to all members.




6)what would you think of a rule if no defenders show all the attckers can “spar” ( if you attack a sector and no defense shows, you get so much rewards. if you chose to continue to  spar vrs another attacking corp although they may have not been attacking vrs the same sector.  you can still get a game and the winners get and xtra 5% damage 

I think a better adaptation to your suggestion is this (see below), it keeps the same concept, but slightly different implementation:


If multiple corps attack a sector, but no defense shows, the attackers would fight each other as normal. Whatever corp wins the battles between attackers deals an extra 10% damage as well as 2x the vouchers.

The time zone split in Fed space is one of the single worst ideas the devs have ever implemented.  NOBODY plays on those time zones. There are NO dreadnought battles taking place during that time zone.

The devs just need to give us back the whole region to the same, 10pm EST time zone. It’s already pretty empty, the split has only made it worse.


There aren’t enough active corps in fed space anyway, it would be a good idea to encourage more corps to participate.

The time zone split in Fed space is one of the single worst ideas the devs have ever implemented.  NOBODY plays on those time zones. There are NO dreadnought battles taking place during that time zone.

The devs just need to give us back the whole region to the same, 10pm EST time zone. It’s already pretty empty, the split has only made it worse.


There aren’t enough active corps in fed space anyway, it would be a good idea to encourage more corps to participate.

you do understand that games do not happen BECAUSE THERE ARE NO CORPORATIONS CAPABLE OF FIGHTING not because of the time split, if there are no gaems in half the sectors, you think there all of a sudden will be games with 2x sectors??

you do understand that games do not happen BECAUSE THERE ARE NO CORPORATIONS CAPABLE OF FIGHTING not because of the time split, if there are no gaems in half the sectors, you think there all of a sudden will be games with 2x sectors??


















Go ahead and tell me that again.

“Fighting” = “get 8 people online and on TS at the same time with the correct t3 ships equipped willing to spend up to 40 minutes playing three matches with ten minutes wait beween them, and the possibility that you will not get a match at all”

It is easier said than done…


















Go ahead and tell me that again.

:fed014: seriously, you think any of them can or willing to fight in dreads? they tried once or twice, some of them, got stomped and gave up. if most of them merged into 2-3 corps like i told them many-many times befor, then yes, they could fight, but as it is - NO they are not capable and mostly not even interested in anything that requires extra effort.

:fed014: seriously, you think any of them can or willing to fight in dreads? they tried once or twice, some of them, got stomped and gave up. if most of them merged into 2-3 corps like i told them many-many times befor, then yes, they could fight, but as it is - NO they are not capable and mostly not even interested in anything that requires extra effort.

If the smaller time corps actually fought for the smaller rewards sectors like credits, they’d do just fine. It’d be up to the heavier hitting corps to stay out of those sectors and let the smaller corps fight it out in them for practice and their own dreadnought experience.


Instead, they chose to attack the corps guaranteed to hit back with far greater force. Of course they got stomped. Instead, R4ge has a sector that has gone untouched for a month, MAR has a sector that’s been hit all of once or twice in that same time frame and three credits sectors sit in the 1am EST time slot where nobody shows up, leaving them to sit and gather dust.


They don’t have to merge, they just have to start playing and showing up. Giving them sectors to do so in would help. I’ve told everyone I’m giving away Colonization Hub, but with the ***ty time zone, nobody attacks it. If it were in the 10pm EST time zone, they would.


Then again, the USA playerbase gets screwed over and over again in favor of RU. Doesn’t surprise me when USA players give up and look to do something else.


“Fighting” = “get 8 people online and on TS at the same time with the correct t3 ships equipped willing to spend up to 40 minutes playing three matches with ten minutes wait beween them, and the possibility that you will not get a match at all”

It is easier said than done…


There are a lot of things that need to go right for sure. It’s a pity, too. Great game mode, ruined by the undertaking needed to set one up at specific times. I keep saying custom dread battles would save the game mode, It would likely get more people playing it which can expand into more scheduled fights, but if nothing else it would at least let people play the game mode.


By the way, battles are drying up in Empire/Jericho space to. Corporations are more interested in the sector rewards than playing games and as such are abusing the system to keep them. Part of what was supposed to prevent corporations from holding huge swaths of territory was the fact that they could get swarmed on too many sectors to defend. Fake attacks ruin that system. It’s still a problem out there, even after they restricted it to a 1 attack per corp per sector rule.


















Go ahead and tell me that again.

I used to roll with the 2 AM EST thing.

Jesus, the sleep loss is real.

The earlier time is 11 PM EST…

I support this idea in terms of fixing the battle times. The fundamental problem to the lack of activity in this sectors is _because _of the god-awful times in which these battles take place. From that, the NA playerbase is shut out of most of the fights and basically get the short end of the stick. This contributes to the current general disinterest in dreadnought battles within the NA playerbase, thus not creating any type of endgame content for us to any reasonable extent.


We can:

1.) shift back those times, screwing over the SA population, or…

2.) add more timeslots for Federation space (say, each sector opening up twice a day? discuss), allowing for more battles to take place, or…

3.) do nothing, and let this problem persist and lose more NA pilots due to disinterest.


I think we all know which one is the best solution here…


EDIT: This is obviously not the _only _problem that is plaguing our playerbase, but it’s one of the big problems that can easily be fixed. As for corporations not competing, that is another issue that needs to be discussed.

I used to roll with the 2 AM EST thing.

Jesus, the sleep loss is real.

The earlier time is 11 PM EST…

Those are corps that can show at the earlier timezone. (10pm EST). I don’t ever expect any corp to make the 1am EST battles because that’s absurd. Hence the discussion in the first place.

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