Ships stuck in battle

Issue is that many people are complaining about ships being stuck in battle.  Attached is a screenshot of the issue, ships will enter into battle, then be unable to launch afterwards.  Logging out and back in does not work, nor does quitting the game in its entirety.  People can select other ships and swap them out, but ships that were selected before entering the battle will still display message of “Current ship is still in battle”.  Please address.


This needs to be addressed and I believe whatever the problem is could be affecting other Gaijin games that may or may not be Crossout.

This needs to be addressed and I believe whatever the problem is could be affecting other Gaijin games that may or may not be Crossout.

Already known.

Hopefully it will get fixed soon.

I always have this issue also

I always have this issue also

As far as i know everyone have this issue because it is a server problem (pls dont harm me when i’m wrong)

I have this sometimes, but it only lasts like 10 to 20 seconds.

[How to create bug reports](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/)

At this case logs and screenshot needed