Ships and incosistent green bonuses

So I’m looking at ships I will grind towards, and I dont understand something: why do some ships get a green bonus to shields/armor and some don’t ?


Comparing Alligator MkII and Alligator M, the M version gets green bonuses to shield and armor while MkII doesn’t.


This is how their preview tabs look for me:


Alligator M HULL 8334 (+1389)

              SHIELD 8976 (+1496)


Alligator MkII

                 HULL 6335

                 SHIELD 6820


All other stats for both ships (speed and resistances) show both getting the same green bonuses (I presume from my implants)


Alligator MkII has no green shield or hull bonus in preview. Is it some implants/rep thing?


To clarify, I haven’t bought neither of these two ships, this is just their info from their preview tab in the tech tree. Both are tier 2 ships, with M version being one rank higher, but still that’s some fekkin difference.


Can anyone explain to me why Alligator M has the green bonuses in description and MkII doesn’t?

who knows.

A Ricasso(t2 jericho intercept) have green bonus in speed. This make he the faster then t2 federation ships.

Someone suggested that a ship can only benefit from implants of the same rank or lower - thus, even if you have rank 5 and rank 6 implants, your tier 2-rank 4 ship will only benefit from your rank 1 to rank 4 implants.



Let’s say for the sake of example, I have six fictional implants that all add +5% hull strength; one for each rank through 1 to 6.


In a rank 1 ship, I have only +5% hull strength. Only the rank 1 implant applies. The rank2+ implants have no impact.

In a rank 3 ship, I have +15% hull strength. Only the rank 1 to rank 3 implants apply.

In a rank 6 ship, I have the full +30% hull strength. All six implants apply.


This has the added benefit of making sure that all low-tier players are on a relatively even playing field. Can you imagine if a max-rank pilot with a set of awesome high-grade implants went back to tier 1 fights? It’d be brutal on the rookies.

Since both of these ships are above my Rank 4 implants, that’s not it, since then both should get the bonus.


It’s not synergy, because I have 0 synergy on both ships (because I didn’t buy them yet.)

Someone suggested that a ship can only benefit from implants of the same rank or lower - thus, even if you have rank 5 and rank 6 implants, your tier 2-rank 4 ship will only benefit from your rank 1 to rank 4 implants.


This seems correct.


rank 7 Federation skill: -20% afterburner use, and it does not show up for me in the preview for any ships below rank 7.

rank 5 Empire skill: +30% rotation speed, and it does not show up for me in the preview for any ships below rank 5.



When it comes to the OP, i believe that the difference might be in ship balancing, as the MK2 got +10 hull resistances, the M version might have increased hull and shields as its bonus (wild guess). But this can be seen elsewhere as well. Stiletto AE (R6 jericho interceptor) got +30 shield resists by default. Cerberus T2 (R9 empire frigate) got +20 all resistances. etc. etc.

So in all regards ships are balanced my xxxx. There’s clearly good and crap ships in tech trees, so I can only hope that there’s going to be a LOT of stat rebalancing in the future, cause having over 2000 more both shields and hull (4000 HP more) ain’t in any way, shape of form offset by the other ship’s +10 Hull Resistance bonus nor in the slight difference in Special Mod stats. 


Aside from the fact that in general Fed ships have at least 20% less HP than other 2 factions for a measly increase in top speed (and maneuverability is the same as other faction ships). Nice “balance”.


Ah well, Alligator M here I come, rot in hell MkII. Or I should just switch to Empire or Jericho as everyone does.

Someone suggested that a ship can only benefit from implants of the same rank or lower

I confirm that, i tested.

Here’s what i wrote in FAQ one hour ago :

Do the skills apply to all ships ?

No, the skill only have an effect on the ships of the same level or above.

For exemple, the Jericho level 3 ‘Neurocontroller SR Mark 2’ adds +25 resist to the shield of all level 3 and above ships, but not to level 1 and 2. So your base T1 ships will not get that extra resistance, but all your faction T1 ships and above will get it.

Test it, you’ll see