ship upgrades are awkward

I think the way ship upgrades work now is weird in that you need to go up in ship ranks to be able to add upgrades to your ship. So you’re automatically weaker if you are in a lower ranked ship because of less lots for upgrades and mods. With current skill system you can get to use items before you have the ship for them that seems off to be wrong and waste of experience.

Why? U see what modes u can use in future, noone make u buy them immediately. Surely ur ship is weak when u begin playing, but u can work it out just as everyone. Where’s waste of experience?

Vesna, altough I don’t agree completely with bashem, he has a point. Games are supposed to be fun, and not WORK as you said :wink:

Thorkoal, if everything u want in the game can be immediately given, there’s no fun for me )) what’s the point of playing than? isn’t it interesting to upgrade ur ship? )

I don’t want everything at once just feels like we are forced to keep leveling to do anything besides just carry 2 weapons. Basically its like we can’t special or get into a role until we are rank 3/4, I really started enjoying the game when I was finally able to start customize my ship and play with target painter and such. If I can’t apply the thing I SPENT skill points on it shouldn’t be available in first place then, it does not make sense to have skills learned you can’t use.

For example if I unlocked CPU sets I should be able to add cpu mods not have to wait till later to use them.

I don’t want everything at once just feels like we are forced to keep leveling to do anything besides just carry 2 weapons. Basically its like we can’t special or get into a role until we are rank 3/4, I really started enjoying the game when I was finally able to start customize my ship and play with target painter and such. If I can’t apply the thing I SPENT skill points on it shouldn’t be available in first place then, it does not make sense to have skills learned you can’t use.

For example if I unlocked CPU sets I should be able to add cpu mods not have to wait till later to use them.

Both have valid points, however i agree with bashem, if you have skillpoints to spend spend them on the stuff you use to improve it. and i agree with vesna that no skill points are waisted but i do believe it can be implemented better. should for example, the devs want to force players to learn on tech tree to boost that role, then why not focus more on the ship type instead of general skill. seeing as everyone starts of with the ceptors and the first tech tree is more relevant to it. allow players to learn that skill tree only until you get to a specific point where the other 2 are unlocked, where the player can the choose another tech tree to level in. and the process repeats until the player either decides to keep skilling one or skill the third.


tech tree 1 to lvl 10, at which point techtree 2 and 3 unlocks

once player choose a second or continues on 1st tech tree, with next xp spent the unchosen ones lock again until lvl 20 or similar

just a thought

well… at least for me… i wish while this beta we can gain a bit faster (maybe free license?) … so we can doing our “test” better…

well… at least for me… i wish while this beta we can gain a bit faster (maybe free license?) … so we can doing our “test” better…

This is why all players get 300 gold every week for a weekly license.

I dont know that there already have it, but, i thing that sould have some weapons that dont require “Tier X” ships to equip, but Ship level too

This is why all players get 300 gold every week for a weekly license.

well… im intend using it for the “Gold Frigate” … well… i guess i cant complaint then…

i’d say the awkward part is the level cap on ship exp being too low for starting ships, resulting in slightly better ships(still on the same tier) being much more powerful. my fighter had about 1.5x more hp+shield than my frigate not long ago, both being on tier 1.

i wish to see that while my ship is getting better while im getting XP to become stronger and stronger, for example T1 fighter with high lvl could be compared with T2 1st lvl… or when ship has some lvl, you can but an upgrade so it gets Tier higher… or easiest part… give players chance to change design of ship :slight_smile: u can but a “pattern” for Tier, but you choose how it looks.

meh… that happen to me… my T2 interceptors get beaten by T1 Starter interceptors…

im sux nyudut.gif

in other words… i wish my hercules (design of this ship is imo rely cool) would be as good as tier IV after upgrades