Ship Roles

Is there a compiled list of what ship roles do?


Some I kinda get already like, Protector, ECM, Tackler, and fighter. but Saboteur? 

The roles are fairly clear really.  Each role refers to a specific type or class of active system.  A Fighter ships gives an energy reduction bonus to fighter type active powers.  Basically it is the ships preferred load-out of modules.  But that is not necessarily what you really need to do with them.

It’s kind of confusing as 2 ships of the same class have a different role, but when comparing are them are damn near identical…the 2 im comparing just have a slightly different missile flight speed, and explosion radius. Not enough to suggest that it’s role would be any different.

It’s kind of confusing as 2 ships of the same class have a different role, but when comparing are them are damn near identical…the 2 im comparing just have a slightly different missile flight speed, and explosion radius. Not enough to suggest that it’s role would be any different.


As I said it comes down to the bonuses that the ship offers (hold shift) to active modules that you put in the ship.  That is the main idea behind roles that I have found.  So most offer a 30% reduction to the module power requirement allowing you to fire off more modules.


The role most likely becomes more important at higher tiers when you have three or four modules you can have active.  Like the “Aura” modules for command that enhance shield resist, hull resist, and damage.  But draw energy over time…then having a command role ships would be good because you would save 30% on the energy drain.

As I said it comes down to the bonuses that the ship offers (hold shift) to active modules that you put in the ship.  That is the main idea behind roles that I have found.  So most offer a 30% reduction to the module power requirement allowing you to fire off more modules.


The role most likely becomes more important at higher tiers when you have three or four modules you can have active.  Like the “Aura” modules for command that enhance shield resist, hull resist, and damage.  But draw energy over time…then having a command role ships would be good because you would save 30% on the energy drain.




Hold shift over the ship, then look down near the bottom. there will be a few lines of text that say: “20% reduced cost of support role modules” or whatever. You can find these modules by hovering over items in the shop or on your ship and read what they say. Some modules are offensive, some engineer, protective, etc. Just because when you go into the shop you are in the “support” section doesn’t mean all the items there are support modules. Some of them might be actually “protective” or “restoration”. There are sub-catagories under the engineer, ECM and support ones that you find in the shop. For best effective, use ships/equipment that work well together. 



Hold shift over the ship, then look down near the bottom. there will be a few lines of text that say: “20% reduced cost of support role modules” or whatever. You can find these modules by hovering over items in the shop or on your ship and read what they say. Some modules are offensive, some engineer, protective, etc. Just because when you go into the shop you are in the “support” section doesn’t mean all the items there are support modules. Some of them might be actually “protective” or “restoration”. There are sub-catagories under the engineer, ECM and support ones that you find in the shop. For best effective, use ships/equipment that work well together. 

Thanks for the info, good to learn this.

I want to build a table of ships roles and modules associated with it. 


For the moment I have the list of modules :


  • Command

  • ECM

  • Energy suppression

  • Saboteur

  • Tackler

  • Offence

  • Protection

  • Support

  • Engineer


the aim is to put all this info on the wiki, because it’s lacking

I feel like they need to make the “Group: <module name>” more visible when we hover over the active modules. I was confused at first when i wanted to know what “tackler modules” meant, when what it was really referring to were the “Electronic Warfare Modules”.