Ship Guide

Hi im new to star conflict.  hv been searching for ship guide such as

Command, Engineer, protection, tackler, Ecm, Energy Suppression

what are their roles?  is there a somekind of clear guide?

The title of this is very misleading, i came here to look at a ship guide.

Only current information of this kind would be the wiki I guess. Google it, I don’t have link or I would provide it.

All star conflict wikis I’ve found thus far have been very dated with little information.

It is being worked on at the moment, as this is still beta be patient.

Hi im new to star conflict.  hv been searching for ship guide such as

Command, Engineer, protection, tackler, Ecm, Energy Suppression

what are their roles?  is there a somekind of clear guide?


If you mouse over and hold SHIFT on a ship, you can see what those stats actually mean. For example, offense class ships typically get bonus damage for main weapon, and use less energy for offensive modules. Command use less energy for defensive modules and so on. Almost all the info about how the game works is actually in the game.

The problem though Stryker is that all those stats and slots mean little to uninformed new players.

Hopefully they can understand it enough for now.

The problem though Stryker is that all those stats and slots mean little to uninformed new players.

Hopefully they can understand it enough for now.


You do have a point there. However, within an hour or two most players should be able to understand what those stats and slots mean.

Just a matter of someone hovering over every ship and putting it in a Wiki… then updating it on patches