Ship Costs And Upgrade

some suggestions regarding ship costs and upgrades.

I am finding the costs of ships to be to high, they need to be lowered about 30% possibly up to 45% if the following system is added.

One thing i noticed is while leveling i never really tend to get my ship level maxed out before i swap to a new ship, as as result i think we should change the leveling system of ships.

my idea is to have all ships level Via paying credits. Something like the following






And to add the GS bought ships an upgrade to level 7 which gives them a slight upgrade in performance (nothing to great, but something better then its credit counterpoint.

this way people can upgrade the ships, it offers the credit sink and solves the issues.


the issue with the high prieces should be worked on soon.

I think it won’t be possible to buy ship levels, because this would lead to the fakt that the game would just become credit farming.

The GS ships have their level already maxed out buying them so they got some little advantage.

Yea i know, but i still don’t support the current system. in terms of economic stability, the more credit dumbs there is the better, but only 20-30% of them should be for requirement. in other words 70% of the credits i spend should be because its things i want to spent them not, not i have to. but those things i want to spend them on be something almost automatic, a natural reacting. For exactly the natural reaction of changing to the next tech is i have to buy mods for my new ship, so in the same way i should automatically upgrade the ship, but i should at that point only have enuff money for 1-2 levels. i feel with this system, it will be better. besides, the current exp system will be strange with open universe; infact the idea of getting ships based on rank at that point might need a rework.i have thought about it and i was thinking that this game could go near something like x-universe. For example, ranks should be increased in exp requirement, probly near 3-4 times what it is now. this way the rank system has a value. respectively things will need to be balanced but at that way, the universe can implement specific types of licenses that have a cost, that grant access to specific items or ships. this sort of system will make sense with upgrading the ship, and with the who tier ship idea.

there is a ship with a steam client link, how do u access it with steam?

The future plans for Star Conflict also include a relese on Steam.


The Devs are currently working on it but there is no ETA given so be patient. We will forward any informations if they are available.

Seriously, play World of Tanks and dare to come back whining over vehicle costs. As I’ve said to other people in-game: this game is way more fastpaced and dynamic than WoT not only in battles but also in leveling. Everything takes shorter, the ship tree is shorter (so IF you take long it only makes you play more) and getting the required money takes shorter. It’s fine as is, otherwise everyone will be T3 by the end of the week.

I also agree on the ship prices being very decent. Nothing overpriced nor cheap crap. I like it this way.


I would even go further: Make ships MORE expensive but equipment a bit cheaper, so you can experiment more.

AmmmokK The ship prices ARE MEGA OP! :bomber:    i get roughly 50k creds a game and i have to pay aroun 30k in repairs and ammo whitch leaves me a while to get allot to buy a ew ship :confused:

Well, what do you expect? The same prices as you had the first week with the free premium?

They wanna make some money after all. And best way is to offer people 2 options:


  • grind

  • pay money


Since most people are lazy (or just not satisfied with the rates) some of them will pay, keeping the game alive for everyone. It´s still way better than offering Pay 2 Win. Only thing you win here, is time.

Ship prices are somewhat decent, but the equipment is far too expensive. I’m a fresh player - 4 days only and I’ve already bought T3 fighter, although I’m not going to fly it untill I amass credits to equip it properly. So far I’ve been able to find or buy decent equipment, but I would like to experiment a bit more, which is near impossible with current prices. And I still have the first week premium account, which makes me think I will like the prices even less when it will end. 


Another thing that bothers me is selling prices. When I buy a thing for ~300 000 cr, I would expect to resell it for ~100 000-150 000 cr, which is a 33-50% price of purchace, not ~30 000 cr, which is 10%…

Well, what do you expect? The same prices as you had the first week with the free premium?

They wanna make some money after all. And best way is to offer people 2 options:


  • grind

  • pay money


Since most people are lazy (or just not satisfied with the rates) some of them will pay, keeping the game alive for everyone. It´s still way better than offering Pay 2 Win. Only thing you win here, is time.

It would be nice to have a free license just iwth not as much % as the normal premium

It would be nice to have a free license just iwth not as much % as the normal premium

Sure it would but the fairer the rates are, the fewer people will actually pay.

to be honest, i dont know how i feel about the license themselves giving buffs.


I think that should be deleted, and the license should offer some other effect for example



repairs reduced by 50%, Able to use any faction based sticker, + the following



it is being working on the changing of weapons colors, engine color, and ship color.

i think with a license there should be some sort of effect that regenerates over time like that Charge use for changing any of those three types of colors.



If you look at league of legends, the most successful F2P Game, they do it all based on graphical upgrades, and the release of new play concepts.

Do it like that here, and we will be golden when it comes to income, the only question is…





one idea is add to the games ships that can be flown. Perhapse make a fighter that can use frigate support modules (for aoe rep etc). this can be a way to kind of mimic the idea of “new characters” that lol does to make so much money.


i think the ship buying tree itself is good for now, but later will become out dated.


This is a growing problem that should be addressed. I will work something up after i tend to my corp tomorrow.

to be honest, i dont know how i feel about the license themselves giving buffs.


I think that should be deleted, and the license should offer some other effect for example



repairs reduced by 50%, Able to use any faction based sticker, + the following



it is being working on the changing of weapons colors, engine color, and ship color.

i think with a license there should be some sort of effect that regenerates over time like that Charge use for changing any of those three types of colors.



If you look at league of legends, the most successful F2P Game, they do it all based on graphical upgrades, and the release of new play concepts.

Do it like that here, and we will be golden when it comes to income, the only question is…





one idea is add to the games ships that can be flown. Perhapse make a fighter that can use frigate support modules (for aoe rep etc). this can be a way to kind of mimic the idea of “new characters” that lol does to make so much money.


i think the ship buying tree itself is good for now, but later will become out dated.


This is a growing problem that should be addressed. I will work something up after i tend to my corp tomorrow.

Ye instead of haveing stuff increased just change the repair cost by like 30% and change ammuntiton costs but still with 10% loyalty bonus and income.