Ship Bonus Effects

Hey guys,

I just finished out my Osprey (Rank 13 Fed Engie) and have now moved on to my T-rex (Rank 15 version). Super psyched to finally be at the top of my pyramid here, but the ship bonus at the end is super weak compared to the Empire version (which doesn’t even reach the end of the ship tree - only rank 14).

Empire Naga (R14 Eng) Effect: Engie Module Strength 20% bonus + 7% Main Weap dmg bonus.

Fed Trex (R15 Eng) Effect: Engie Module RELOADING TIME 25% faster

The Osprey is even worse. 10% Crit chance increase… which is silly considering the engie role.

Basically, if my auto-stations are getting sniped or something I can put those out faster, but I don’t believe it helps my normal AoE healing modules.

What exactly is going on here?
Can someone clear this up for me?


Naga is slower, but reps more in his radius

T-rex is faster, reps less in his immediate vicinity but can place repair beacons on more locations.

It’s simple, Naga is a better healer, and T-Rex is a better builder. A 25% is a high bonus for the stations, you can have both on that ship and be very helful for your team, if they’re sniped then place them properly. You can even consider barrier and/or warp gate.


I agree that for example, the 10% crit chance increase is just a dumb and random bonus, but no, the reloading time bonus is far from bad.


And we can also agree that T-Rex has a better mod layout: 2 speed, 1 energy, 2 shield, 2 hull and 2 cpu, wich brings you very good speed, decent energy (you’ll have Energy Emitter anyway), good hulls (considering it’s an Fed ship), good shields (considering it’s a Fed ship) and 2 cpus, very useful for extra weapon or sensor range, some extra protection against ECMs or whatever.

In the other hand, Naga has a bad mod layout considering its an Empire frigate: 2 speed (why? it’s supposed to be a flying bunker like Styx or Minotaur), 3 energy (why? 1 or 2 is more than enough, I feel 3 too much), only 1 shield (considering minotaur has 2), only 2 hulls (considering Phoenix, Styx and Minotaur have 3) and 1 cpu.

I never fit energy emitter o.O But that is jsut personal taste :wink:

I never fit energy emitter o.O But that is jsut personal taste :wink:


Yes, it is, for a stations build (for example, my Phoenix, who has also reduced cd on stations) I need Energy Emitter because each station needs 60% of my total energy pool. And on my Styx, because it also has the healing module bonus, so its like 90 energy (very helpful for my fellow interceptors)

I just stop afterburning and it will get there eventually xD

T-Rex with Empire R13 implant will place repair stations, barriers, and warpgates faster than the Naga/Osprey, provided the pilot at the helm can also kill things efficiently. You can make a good PvE build with that in mind.



In the other hand, Naga has a bad mod layout considering its an Empire frigate: 2 speed (why? it’s supposed to be a flying bunker like Styx or Minotaur), 3 energy (why? 1 or 2 is more than enough, I feel 3 too much), only 1 shield (considering minotaur has 2), only 2 hulls (considering Phoenix, Styx and Minotaur have 3) and 1 cpu.


I was also kinda disappointed to learn that the Naga has less hull and shield slots compared to the Minotaur. Such a strange beast. I’ll have to compare both ships with similar hull and shield loadouts.

I have a valid question for the OP… How many battles do you have?

T-Rex with Empire R13 implant will place repair stations, barriers, and warpgates faster than the Naga/Osprey, provided the pilot at the helm can also kill things efficiently. You can make a good PvE build with that in mind.




I was also kinda disappointed to learn that the Naga has less hull and shield slots compared to the Minotaur. Such a strange beast. I’ll have to compare both ships with similar hull and shield loadouts.


Minotaur, with half sinergy and only 2 blue mods has already 68k survivability… full blue andmax sinergy should have 70k, and I doubt Naga can even reach 60



I just stop afterburning and it will get there eventually xD



Yes, but the point imo is to have it asap. At least if you have a Warp Gate, you need energy emitter yes or yes, or you will not be able to warp safely because the slow regen

Having an energy emitter cuts my ability to heal though. I know it is quite nice for a gate, but then I lose another slot. I usually run Gate, AoE Shield, AoE Hull, and AutoShieldStation. 

The capacitor is pretty flawless anyway. I rarely have and problems waiting for energy (unless it is being sapped). 

You brought up a good point about the pmodule layouts. I didn’t even consider those. 

I still think slinging barriers and stations is sort of limited. Especially when my most dangerous foes are fast enough to cruise right through and light me up while I try to spin/find them. Also the limitation on the ARS to one ship and the ACS to any ship but my own is kinda “meh” for me. 

It moreover feels like “I have chosen… poorly.” and put a lot of time into unlocking a ship that has an endgame bonus that doesn’t fit my playstyle well. If it isn’t going to be the same as Empire then enhance the range or something, give me faster drones, ANYTHING other than reload speed… oh and crit… that is so dumb.

Thanks for all your responses everyone. It has been illuminating :slight_smile:

I remeber when i got in to T3 for the first time, i bought myself an Alligator MK3 (prem feds healer), i tried it, i got utterly destroyed by every one, so I came to a conclusion that it sux big time and leveled Styx (Cerberus back then), after awhile, where I learned inside-outs of T3, I tried to make Alligator MK3 work, and to my huge surprise, that ship was awesome, it is completely different from Styx, and you have to realise that it can not be played in the same way, look at it as tanky fighter rather than a frigate. There are certain maps and certain game modes that will prefer Empire Engis over Feds, but there are plenty of modes/maps where Feds will shine. Current problem in T4-T5 is the population, less people you have per game = more closer the fight will be, and these situations call for more tankier builds over mobility, so maybe in current realities in higher tiers for the most part Empire engis are better, but its not really a ships problem.