Shining/Nith sector ideas

-Sector “Alien Limbo” (PvP)
:descryption: Once, while the Invasion, that zone was an alien super-infecter, but thanks to an accident, it fell out from the reality. After the anomaly was ended, the most of the zone was missing. The remaining aliens can controll the anomaly, and some tales say, the shadows of the destroyed aliens are still here, and tear pilots ship apart, like the anomaly did. Anybody who visited the zone, never returned.
:clearance level: 18
:difficulty: extreme

Iridium-Active effect:
The new effect shown by a green bar, next to shield bar
If the player is in a “iridium active” zone, or gets too close to a matter inverter, the bar starts getting filled. If the bar is filled the ship becames an AI controlled biomorph (new texture). The bar is filling like 2%/sec
To reduce the effect, player need to collide with obstacles, or use a special rocket slot item, the “Iridium Cure” (reload: 20 sec) which lowers the bar by 30%.

-Northern Portal “Land of Filth” (Iridium-active) (PvP)
:descryption: The Northern portal of the Shining was the main zone of the war while the mankind researched the gate. After, some kind of Iridium-Explosion made this zone one of the most dangerous zones. Now there are only undead aliens, and filthy biomorphs. And, for sure, nobody can visit this zone, if don’t want to be infected with iridium.
:clearance level: 20
:difficulty: extreme

-Western Portal “Predator Cage” (PvP)
:descryption: The Western portal of the Shining is guarded by the biggest Predator colony we know. And for sure, anybody can meet the legendary boss, the “Carnivoryus”, the strongest Predator mutation ever. At this sector, you are the prey, in the cage of the predators. Can u survive?
:clearance level: 20
:difficulty: extreme

-Eastern Portal “Crystallid Cemetery” (Iridium-active) (PvP)
:descryption: Damaged and Old aliens are coming to the crystallid cemetery to die. Their dead bodies made the place Iridium-active, however, it looks dead. You can’t find much living aliens here, only undead aliens and biomorphs, who need to eat dead crystals to survive. Did you came here to die too?
:clearance level: 20
:difficulty: extreme

-Southern Portal “Crystal Nursery” (Iridium-active) (PvP)
:descryption: The Southern Portal is the place where crystallids born. The nursery of crystallids is Iridium-active very hard, to make crystallids grow fast and be strong. And that’s why it’s not recommended to visit this place… And because crystallids are guarding their offsprings.
:clearance level: 20
:difficulty: extreme

-North West Portal “Ageau Leviathan” (PvP)
:descryption: The Ageau Leviathan is a similar station to Leviathan, mercenaryes sometimes call it “second leviathan”. However, it’s more dangerous than the first one, because it’s still active, and it’s well guarded, not like the another. If you get here, u need to kill some aliens. Too much aliens.
:clearance level: 20
:difficulty: extreme

-North East Portal “Defillar’s Nest” (Iridium Active) (PvP)
:descryption: While exploring the new portals, scientist found the huge super-strong defiler mutation, the Defillar. Now it’s calm, and seems asleep, but the zone is hightly iridium-active, thanks to the strong matter inverters found here. And his “pet”, one Defiler guards this place! they forgot to put out the “before of the Defiler” sign…
:clearance level: 20
:difficulty: extreme

-South West Portal “Runes of Infection” (Iridium Active) (PvP)
:descryption: This side of the shining is filled with huge, sometimes more than 1000km (!) high rocks. It’s a real maze of rocks, and for sure, a lot of aliens visiting that museum day-to day. Do you want to visit it too?
:clearance level: 20
:difficulty: extreme

-South East Portal “Portalstorm” (PvP)
:descyption. The zone filled with portals, leading anywhere in our world. The zone is filled with the most dangerous aliens, ready to attack anywhere they want. Do you want to attack too? Not today…
:clearance level: 20
:difficulty: extreme