Server issues



I have been queuing rank 12 and 6 in America. 19/20 games have been on russian servers. Having 200-250 ping makes the interceptor class next to unplayable. Inability to aim or dodge and constant crashing into toher objects is extremely frustrating. Its becomes very difficult to even get points and participate. 



There is several solutions to this problem. Please choose one or several and implement them. 


Thank you

Unfortunatly rank more or less 11-13 are a little difficult to level because people don’t play those ranks a lot.

Russia has a great player base…

The trouble is a ping of 200 is average for me also. 200 isn’t a problem, but I could see bad things happening around 250…

You could report this as a bug.


I can see you are playing at an off time. I normally see around 2500 people on in the early afternoon. Eastern time. You will probably have better US pairings during the middle of the day. I understand it may not be possible, I myself can only play for a few hours during the weekend.


Also, don’t forget to test a wired connection if you are using wifi.

This is happening at rank 6 as well as rank 12. I have not gotten an american server in the last several days, and i have tried playing at all different times. 


I am using wired. You say 200 ping isnt a problem, but yeah, it is huge. The game is unplayable for interrceptors at such high ping. It IS a Huge problem. If there was a way I could show my point disparity between russian and us servers, it would be obvious. The game is damn near unplayable at such high ping. I mean, yeah, you can play the game, but you hit probably 1/4 of your shots that you normal would, and you cant dodge, and all your reactions are slowed so you die much much much more often, and several stats just become useless (im looking at you turn rate) when they are one of the most important stats on the ship. 


1500-3000 people isnt a great player base at all. The potential for hundreds of thousands in the us and europe is a great player base.


Make more western servers and force russians to play on them. Split it 50/50 instead of 1/99 russian servers. Or 40/60. Something. 


Would love to be able to play the game. This lag alienates many potential players. To get a good player base it needs to be fixed. 


Either that or this is another reason (among many many the developers have given us) that ppl should just play frigates. Lag is barely noticable on a frigate. 

The thing is, a lot of top players complain if their ping is over 50ms.

Is that implying that all of the top players are in russia? If so, maybe there would be top players in other countries if they could, you know, play. 


Im not asking for all american servers. Just SOME. like, at least 25 or 30%. This game is broken in a lot of places and this is a huge one.

Is that implying that all of the top players are in russia? If so, maybe there would be top players in other countries if they could, you know, play.

Many top players are in Europe.  It’s hard to really say because we don’t know the real regional demographics of players.  America probably has the smallest percentage, but America also probably has one of the smallest demographics.  I do know that I fly interceptors with 170ms ping while some in ESB complains about 50ms being problematic for gameplay.  Anyone who thinks ping times aren’t an issue for the very top of abilities are idiots.  For “average” players it’s probably irrelevant up to about 200ms ping.  In some instances I can know which region I’m on based on my flight alone.


Also, I’m not talking about 1v1 dogfights, I’m talking about general PvP gameplay.  In a 1v1 fight, ping will be very important among two skilled players.

Many top players are in Europe.  It’s hard to really say because we don’t know the real regional demographics of players.  Oceania probably has the smallest percentage, but Oceania also probably has one of the smallest demographics.  Flying interceptors with 300 ms ping while some in ESB complains about 50ms being problematic for gameplay.  Anyone who thinks ping times aren’t an issue for the very top of abilities are idiots.  For “average” players it’s probably irrelevant up to about 200ms ping.  In some instances I can know which region I’m on based on my flight alone.


Also, I’m not talking about 1v1 dogfights, I’m talking about general PvP gameplay.  In a 1v1 fight, ping will be very important among two skilled players.



I just hate that I’m almost forced to use lasers at 150+ ping.   Trying to hit anything with Shrapnel that’s not a slow fighter or frigate is next to impossible in the higher tiers due to increased roll/pitch speed in most ships and gauss has the same issues as well.   It’s bad enough that I have to lead the targeting indicator by about 3 ship lengths to even land shots.  


They complain about 50 ms but I’d be happy to even average 100.   


I make do by lining my shots up so I’m shooting straight ahead at my target though (i.e. moving in behind the enemy’s ship or coming straight at them).   Hitting a target moving across my field of fire though…might as well just stick to using small missiles and don’t even bother firing my main weapon until I have the proper positioning.    It’s still possible to play with high lag…it just reduces the amount of tactical options available to you.


Watch what happens though when you get used to playing on high ping Russian servers and suddenly get put on a glorious US server…it almost seems too easy!

Even with pulse lasers, it hits significantly less when you are on high ping server even if your aim is dead on.


 > 150



If you think sub 300 ping is acceptable then you clearly havent played this game enough.


Havent been able to play in about a week because I havent gotten a single American server. 

 > 150



If you think sub 300 ping is acceptable then you clearly havent played this game enough.


I am not saying it is acceptable, i am just saying it is playable and you should stop complaining about having 200-250 ping. 


You are the one who is clearly not playing the game enough, if you had, you would of known how to manoeuvre in high ping environment and gain efficiency easily in an inty.

I get the same problem, but i have a bigger one… I live in Brasil, and here, even in US server i cant get a ping lower that 170~180, but with that ping, i can at least play with interceptors. But, even if i choose US server, 9 out of 10 i get a EU or Russ server, where mu ping goes 250~300(some russ go over 300). I dont care about waiting 5 minutes for a game, if i can play it!! But when i get a Russ server, with a 300+ ping, against a player with a 50 ping, it just makes me mad and wanting to quit the game!


And about the TOP players, i agree that there is a lot of top players in Russ and EU, but probably there is a lot of top players in other parts of the world. But its hard to get to the be a top player, if you play in a 300+ ping against players with the same skill as you, with a <50 ping. You wil NEVER win!!!


Im so used to play in a high ping, that when i get to a <200 ping, the game seems just too easy!(i dont know how i would react having a <100 ping) So, i would be happy if at least when i choose “US server” i get into an US server!! If the problem is the small player base to have both US and EU/russ servers running together, start puting EU/Russ players to play in US server sometimes too! Why only we(america) should play in higher ping servers, and they cant? You wont amplify the number of american players if they cant play properly and lose one after another because they cant control their ship!

Ok, today i just closed the game and gave up! I was trying to lvl a rank 9 ECM and got at least 10 matches in a row in Russian server, selecting and re-selection USA server!!! 

If i wanted a Russian server, I would select ANY SERVER and get a fast match, but no, i select USA, wait for 3~4min and get a russian server the same way, but with a longer wait time… NICE!!!

Thats is how it works:

MM attempts to put you into the game on your prefered server for 2.5 minutes, if there were NO games found for you, you will be moved into ANY queue pool. So if you want to try your luck and be ONLY on US server or don’t play at all, you have to re queue every 2.5 minutes (chances are you will wait for 10+ minutes for a single game depending on a time)

The top players, or those that are veterans in this game learn to deal with 200+ Ping. 


I am more comfortable in 170-200 ping in an interceptor cause my play style got very used to it. Then when I get those rare US server games, I somehow pull a Maniac medal and get called a hacker. 


Ping is a issue, but the lack of players is an issue which forces the minority to play with the majoritys servers. Most of the players are in EU and RU. Very rarely are there are more US players, as that population is about 300-700. 


Simply aim a bit AHEAD of your target predictor, and you will make your shots count. 

The top players, or those that are veterans in this game learn to deal with 200+ Ping. 


I am more comfortable in 170-200 ping in an interceptor cause my play style got very used to it. Then when I get those rare US server games, I somehow pull a Maniac medal and get called a hacker. 


Ping is a issue, but the lack of players is an issue which forces the minority to play with the majoritys servers. Most of the players are in EU and RU. Very rarely are there are more US players, as that population is about 300-700. 


Simply aim a bit AHEAD of your target predictor, and you will make your shots count. 

I am confortable in 170-200 ping. Thats why i want an USA server, i live in Brazil, so even in a USA server i cant get lower that 150 ping, but i’ve acepted that(or i would have to quit SC)! But in a russian server my ping goes 300+ (250~300 in EU). 265~280 in a good day! Against someone with a 50 ping. The problem is not to hit enemys actualy, but to dodge, or to fly in a straight line…


But, i dont mind playing in a Russian server sometimes, or if i am with a frigate. What i complain is that the “any server” pilots are never trown in USA servers (to balance things), or i am very unlucky to play 20+ games and dont get even 1 in a USA server.



Thats is how it works:

MM attempts to put you into the game on your prefered server for 2.5 minutes, if there were NO games found for you, you will be moved into ANY queue pool. So if you want to try your luck and be ONLY on US server or don’t play at all, you have to re queue every 2.5 minutes (chances are you will wait for 10+ minutes for a single game depending on a time)

 I will try that, thx!


Edit: Didnt work, after 1min32sec i got into an EU match