Server crashed a few times

During the tournament the server disconnected a ton of people.

  1. Describe the bug in a few words/sentences.
    The server disconnected a ton of people, seems like a server crashed a few times.
  2. Why do you think this is a bug.
    Because everyone I was talking to on teamspeak was disconnected as well
  3. How often does this bug occur.
    Only seemed to happen during the tournament , never had this issue before with this many people.
  4. What was your last action/How to reproduce the bug.
    Just waiting in hangar for the tournament to begin
    Also another time it did it, the match just started.


Attached logs for game.





[2015.02.15](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8767)

Yes, same here. After every battle.

Same here.

had the same problem during the T3 tournament 

There were 56 teams in the tournament. It’s likely that trying to place 448 players into games simultaneously crashed the servers.

Hopefully we get a hotfix/server upgrade to compensate soon, this is one of the best excuses to do so. :smiley:

There were 56 teams in the tournament. It’s likely that trying to place 448 players into games simultaneously crashed the servers.

Hopefully we get a hotfix/server upgrade to compensate soon, this is one of the best excuses to do so. :smiley:


It didn’t crash the servers. Some players were never booted off the servers, only some. During the most recent tournament, half of our wing was kept out of the battle for the first 2 minutes because of this.

Confirmed. Crashed every time, when playing for GS in T3 Tournament. I mean, Server Under Heavy Load message…

The issue has been noticed and will be checked.