server connection lost: general error

Hi guys,


since today, 25.11.2014 (~ 9:45 am ) I have severe problems to login the game. When I start the game via steam and click on logon, the game is counting and counting until there pops up a message with “connection to server lost: general error”

Here is a screenshot with the error message. post-253266-0-87179000-1416928392.png

I 'm playing SC over an OS X 10.7.5 based iMac . There were no software updates in the last days, no updates available and nothing i can say there can the problem be.

(reinstalling steam, check up of internet connection ect.)


May someone in here can hopefully help me. :slight_smile:


Your answers can be in english or german.







There’s already a thread on this… they are aware of the issue and are working on a fix.

that was quick, thank you! :slight_smile:


do you know wich thread it is exactly?

theres actually a couple but this is the last one I saw.


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25336-cant-connect-login/)

12 hours and still no fix? same problem, connection to server lost; general error.  Oh and I use a Mac by way of stream.

There are already a couple of equal topics.