September’s Developer Blog

I like the game a lot, and I fly a lot in open space to do my missions, and gather resources, and I have a good charma, because I don’t shoot at people.

Occasionally I get shot down for no reason, by players with bad charma.

If I get shot down in a pvp zone for no reason I get mad.

If I’m shot down in a pvp zone while I’m doing my thing chasing missions, and I’m obstructed from doing that, I’ll feel bad. If if I fell bad, I won’t play. If I won’t play, I won’t pay either. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who feels that way.

My solution to this problem is, to remove the “pvp” from the zones. If you have station protection on, then nobody can shoot you unless you want to be shot at. Then a lot more players will get out in to open space, and all who wanna nurture their bad charma can still so like before shooting those guys who have their station protection turned off.

True, open space might be a dangerous zone especially if you have less PvP experience, but the rewards are usually not worth the risk at some point. Obviously, since in the start the rewards were really easy to acquire they got toned down, while the real rewards feel like forced labor to me.


Enjoyment? I have little, simply because Biomorphs, Biomorphs everywhere. Mixed damage sniper teams in all roles on the one side, EM spam on the other. It quickly becomes easy as group, and stays really challenging as soloer, except you enter it with the mindset, “I am a shark and want to hunt” or “I am beef and want to farm”. And then comes Biomorphs, in all shapes, and the whole experience just becomes repetetive, to farm, and hunters become to desperate to find some worthy target, while teams just obliterate everything they can touch, basicly only wasting stuff if they encounter another group; can be fun at times, mostly just Biomorphs, fly there kill that.


Without any heroes or carebears, its just bandits and bambis, and lots of endgame zombies.


I just whish with the alien theme, there would have been used more mystery, in the wisdom of “less is more”.


Don’t get me wrong, nice it’s out there, but I have the feeling it still needs to grow into something more deeper, take a slice of sandbox gameplay; while nobody should be forced to be there to progress. That mostly destroys my love for it, otherwise it would be much nicer, if I explore it out of curiosity.


So if this new class will bring new things to the gamemodes, any gamemodes, I’d say, go for it!


As I said before right now we are thinking about expanding PvE and Open Space content, part of our team likes this idea, but unfortunately, I can’t say anything about when it will happen. Btw I like the current situation in the open space.


Late to this conversation, but i might as well add my 2 cents. ^^

Though i don’t agree with TaperHarley for the most part, because from what i’m understanding from his post it sounds he pretty much wants to fly anywhere without any danger posed by other human players, which is just silly to ask for.

Saying that though there are definitely some things wrong/unbalanced with Invasion, g4borg already mentioned some of these general things which i agree with, though to stay on topic i’ll mainly talk about the zones itself right now. I completely agree with ‘‘high risk for high rewards’’, the problem with this statement though is that they nerfed all the Invasion loot quite significantly a couple months ago and from what i’ve heard from other people who own the Spatial Scanner (don’t own this thing myself, so i have to trust the word of other people) they nerfed the loot/RNG for mysterious containers an additional 1-2 times after that. So with that information most of the time it’s not really worthwhile to go to the 10+ rank zones (unless if you have a daily quest in one of those zones) if you can get the same loot from some of the rank 7 zones, which results in overall less players in those rank 10+ zones, which once again results in more and more of the higher ranked negative karma players going to the lower rank PvP zones to ‘‘hunt’’ people who are in way inferior ships then they are.

Which makes me come to IMO the most obvious example that some of the zones definitely need to have their properties/status changed. There are 2-3 rank 1 zones in Invasion that have the PvP status, yet whenever i fly through one these zones 95% of the time i see somebody get killed it’s a lower tier player getting killed by a fully upgraded Tier 5 player with a MK4/5 weapon. I fully agree with pirates should be pirates, but at the same time i think some of these lower zones should not be used by high tiered experienced players just to prey on new players, heck i’ve even seen people bragging about activities like this like it’s some great achievement for them which just makes me go :fed014:.

If you want to keep these lower zones PvP to introduce new players with the PvP aspect, i would recommend at least making it so that if you enter one of these zones with anything higher then a T2 ship you automatically go into station protection state.

Just to add a bit more, i find what should define a PvP zone for the most part is pretty much just follow this general rule;

Rank 1 zones - 100% PvE - unless like i mentioned above you want to keep 2-3 zones PvP to introduce new players to how PvP works in Invasion.

Rank 7 zones - 50/50% PvE/PvP - rank 7 zones are pretty balanced from what i’ve seen, except some of the zones with escort quests in them.

Rank 10 zones - 100% PvP - every rank 10 zone should be PvP so you really know you’re entering for the most part lawless areas, but IMO also needs better loot then what it offers right now to entice more players to go into these zones.

Rank 10 Frontier zones (the 4 zones in the middle of the map that connect the stations to each other) - 100% PvP - same as above, better loot in these zones.

Alien zones - 100% PvP - pretty much only high quality loot in these zones, but should also be EXTREMELY dangerous to enter.



Late to this conversation, but i might as well add my 2 cents. ^^

Though i don’t agree with TaperHarley for the most part, because from what i’m understanding from his post it sounds he pretty much wants to fly anywhere without any danger posed by other human players, which is just silly to ask for.

Saying that though there are definitely some things wrong/unbalanced with Invasion, g4borg already mentioned some of these general things which i agree with, though to stay on topic i’ll mainly talk about the zones itself right now. I completely agree with ‘‘high risk for high rewards’’, the problem with this statement though is that they nerfed all the Invasion loot quite significantly a couple months ago and from what i’ve heard from other people who own the Spatial Scanner (don’t own this thing myself, so i have to trust the word of other people) they nerfed the loot/RNG for mysterious containers an additional 1-2 times after that. So with that information most of the time it’s not really worthwhile to go to the 10+ rank zones (unless if you have a daily quest in one of those zones) if you can get the same loot from some of the rank 7 zones, which results in overall less players in those rank 10+ zones, which once again results in more and more of the higher ranked negative karma players going to the lower rank PvP zones to ‘‘hunt’’ people who are in way inferior ships then they are.

Which makes me come to IMO the most obvious example that some of the zones definitely need to have their properties/status changed. There are 2-3 rank 1 zones in Invasion that have the PvP status, yet whenever i fly through one these zones 95% of the time i see somebody get killed it’s a lower tier player getting killed by a fully upgraded Tier 5 player with a MK4/5 weapon. I fully agree with pirates should be pirates, but at the same time i think some of these lower zones should not be used by high tiered experienced players just to prey on new players, heck i’ve even seen people bragging about activities like this like it’s some great achievement for them which just makes me go :fed014:.

If you want to keep these lower zones PvP to introduce new players with the PvP aspect, i would recommend at least making it so that if you enter one of these zones with anything higher then a T2 ship you automatically go into station protection state.

Just to add a bit more, i find what should define a PvP zone for the most part is pretty much just follow this general rule;

Rank 1 zones - 100% PvE - unless like i mentioned above you want to keep 2-3 zones PvP to introduce new players to how PvP works in Invasion.

Rank 7 zones - 50/50% PvE/PvP - rank 7 zones are pretty balanced from what i’ve seen, except some of the zones with escort quests in them.

Rank 10 zones - 100% PvP - every rank 10 zone should be PvP so you really know you’re entering for the most part lawless areas, but IMO also needs better loot then what it offers right now to entice more players to go into these zones.

Rank 10 Frontier zones (the 4 zones in the middle of the map that connect the stations to each other) - 100% PvP - same as above, better loot in these zones.

Alien zones - 100% PvP - pretty much only high quality loot in these zones, but should also be EXTREMELY dangerous to enter.


I like this suggestion. This is how it worked before they introduced the safe path out of the faction space. (sectors like Water Harvest etc) Loot does increse slightly in higher tier sector, but since it is so worthless anyway, it hardly makes any difference. The same with spatial scanner. From my experience, you have just as much chance getting a BP in rank 7 pvp sectors as in rank 10. Which makes the different rank levels worthless. And I had a mission yesterday to kill five scouts in a rank 1 zone, and they were harder to kill than predators in a rank 10 zone!!! So even the pve difficulty level is not balanced!