September’s Developer Blog

Are we talking patience for days? Or Patience for weeks/months? :stuck_out_tongue:


If you consider that they said the next big update will be on Xmas and New Year, you’ve got your question answered.

I heard Xmas is coming earlier this year :stuck_out_tongue:

I heard Xmas is coming earlier this year :stuck_out_tongue:


It already came for me with the 1.2 patch :slight_smile: I need no other presents this year

It already came for me with the 1.2 patch :slight_smile: I need no other presents this year

Well, you know how it works in Soviet Russia, they will stuff your face with presents regardless of your wishing :smiley:

If you consider that they said the next big update will be on Xmas and New Year, you’ve got your question answered.

yep  :rudolf:


Well, you know how it works in Soviet Russia, they will stuff your face with presents regardless of your wishing :smiley:



I like the game a lot, and I fly a lot in open space to do my missions, and gather resources, and I have a good charma, because I don’t shoot at people.

Occasionally I get shot down for no reason, by players with bad charma.


If I get shot down in a pvp zone for no reason I get mad.

If I’m shot down in a pvp zone while I’m doing my thing chasing missions, and I’m obstructed from doing that, I’ll feel bad. If if I fell bad, I won’t play. If I won’t play, I won’t pay either. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who feels that way.

My solution to this problem is, to remove the “pvp” from the zones. If you have station protection on, then nobody can shoot you unless you want to be shot at. Then a lot more players will get out in to open space, and all who wanna nurture their bad charma can still so like before shooting those guys who have their station protection turned off.

I like the game a lot, and I fly a lot in open space to do my missions, and gather resources, and I have a good charma, because I don’t shoot at people.

Occasionally I get shot down for no reason, by players with bad charma.


If I get shot down in a pvp zone for no reason I get mad.

If I’m shot down in a pvp zone while I’m doing my thing chasing missions, and I’m obstructed from doing that, I’ll feel bad. If if I fell bad, I won’t play. If I won’t play, I won’t pay either. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who feels that way.

My solution to this problem is, to remove the “pvp” from the zones. If you have station protection on, then nobody can shoot you unless you want to be shot at. Then a lot more players will get out in to open space, and all who wanna nurture their bad charma can still so like before shooting those guys who have their station protection turned off.


Noone would have their station protection off except the bad guys then. And that wouldn’t be fun.


No, I like it this way: high risk for high rewards. If you can’t stand being killed, then adapt and take a good ship that can escape or kill your enemy if you need to go to the dangerous zones for a mission. I you want to sit in a frigate and farm, then there are the safe zones.

It’s still not cool to be shot down by an xxxxxxx when you’re minding your own business, and when I go back to have revenge I find that he has a party.



But I see your charma, and I know where you stand.

You go out with a party, you choose the time and place of the attack, you always enjoy this unfair advantage.

My proposition to extend station protection to every zone just makes your job a bit harder. There are a lot of players flying with their station protection off, so your argument is invalid.


If the devs don’t want to extend station protection to every zone as I suggested, then they should mark negative charma players on the map, and minimap red like pirates, so every player will know what these guys are about.

This way players will have the chance to form their own parties to fight these negative charma players who enjoy these unfair advantages.

You go out with a party, you choose the time and place of the attack, you always enjoy this unfair advantage.

My proposition to extend station protection to every zone just makes your job a bit harder.


Guess what? We’re called ‘pirates’ for a reason. We don’t look for fair fights because it’s not profitable, and there really is no such thing as honor among thieves.


Sorry to break it to you, but the entire reason there are PVP zones with big bold RED warnings is because the developers intend for there to be pirates. Don’t believe me? Watch the Dogs of War trailer again and wait for the part where they talk about Open Space (or was that Lessons with Igromania?).


And guess what? When they first released the Open World mode, there were even fewer “Safe” locations! They’ve already dumbed it down quite a bit from what it was. This is not intended to be a space cruise simulator where you can take a leisurely stroll wherever you please while flipping off everyone else. Reward has Risk. If you don’t want to take that risk, you don’t deserve the reward. Simple as that.


If you want to travel to another station risk free, pay the ferryman to take you there. If you want to farm items safe from us pirates, use the safe zones. If you don’t want to do a daily mission in a PvP zone, hit the ‘cancel’ button on the contract and hope the next one is in a safe zone. The game already has plenty of options for your kind. You just have to use them.

@TapeHarley, you need to just man up! Yeah there are Pirates out there, you just need to be ready and equipped for such encounters.

It’s still not cool to be shot down by an xxxxxxx when you’re minding your own business, and when I go back to have revenge I find that he has a party.



But I see your charma, and I know where you stand.

You go out with a party, you choose the time and place of the attack, you always enjoy this unfair advantage.

My proposition to extend station protection to every zone just makes your job a bit harder. There are a lot of players flying with their station protection off, so your argument is invalid.


If the devs don’t want to extend station protection to every zone as I suggested, then they should mark negative charma players on the map, and minimap red like pirates, so every player will know what these guys are about.

This way players will have the chance to form their own parties to fight these negative charma players who enjoy these unfair advantages.


Nope. I fly solo. I just choose my enemies with care, so that I am sure to win. If I think I will lose (for example vs a well equipped, fast recon, since I am in a cruise tackler for pirating) then I avoid fighting, or switch my build and come out to hunt the guy. I enjoy the danger and the feeling that you never know what will happen or who you will meet in Invasion. What you suggest will make it an extension of the PVE gamemode, and will make it boring (more than it already is). The only reason I am a pirate is to spice up the otherwise boring missions I have to do in order to get better equipment.

True, open space might be a dangerous zone especially if you have less PvP experience, but the rewards are usually not worth the risk at some point. Obviously, since in the start the rewards were really easy to acquire they got toned down, while the real rewards feel like forced labor to me.


Enjoyment? I have little, simply because Biomorphs, Biomorphs everywhere. Mixed damage sniper teams in all roles on the one side, EM spam on the other. It quickly becomes easy as group, and stays really challenging as soloer, except you enter it with the mindset, “I am a shark and want to hunt” or “I am beef and want to farm”. And then comes Biomorphs, in all shapes, and the whole experience just becomes repetetive, to farm, and hunters become to desperate to find some worthy target, while teams just obliterate everything they can touch, basicly only wasting stuff if they encounter another group; can be fun at times, mostly just Biomorphs, fly there kill that.


Without any heroes or carebears, its just bandits and bambis, and lots of endgame zombies.


I just whish with the alien theme, there would have been used more mystery, in the wisdom of “less is more”.


Don’t get me wrong, nice it’s out there, but I have the feeling it still needs to grow into something more deeper, take a slice of sandbox gameplay; while nobody should be forced to be there to progress. That mostly destroys my love for it, otherwise it would be much nicer, if I explore it out of curiosity.


So if this new class will bring new things to the gamemodes, any gamemodes, I’d say, go for it!

Don’t get me wrong, nice it’s out there, but I have the feeling it still needs to grow into something more deeper, take a slice of sandbox gameplay; while nobody should be forced to be there to progress. That mostly destroys my love for it, otherwise it would be much nicer, if I explore it out of curiosity.

As I said before right now we are thinking about expanding PvE and Open Space content, part of our team likes this idea, but unfortunately, I can’t say anything about when it will happen. Btw I like the current situation in the open space. 

What makes open space unwelcome is the forced grind nature of it. If I want to level ships or upgrade modules I can do that in any mode, yet if I want extra lives for pve, limited use ammunition or craftable ships, it’s open space or nothing.

yet if I want extra lives for pve, limited use ammunition or craftable ships, it’s open space or nothing.


Except Monocrystals, you can get (without paying real money) anything else out of Invasion.


Duplicator: I have over 100 and I’ve got them just by logging in every day.

“Invasion” ammo: Just dissasemble Mk2 and Mk4 kits you get in PvP/PvE and you’ll get materials for the ammo (excluding Drones).

Craftable ships: Same as above. Honestly if you try to get the materials in Invasion you’re wasting your time, you can get them fairly easily just by playing regularly and dissasembling the kits you recieve as loot.

True, but I’d prefer the crafting materials replace the “junk” loot from pvp or pve.

True, but I’d prefer the crafting materials replace the “junk” loot from pvp or pve.


Who wouldn’t? Getting 4k credits as a reward isn’t very satisfying after winning a hard game.

Just a question after this new patch. Since interceptors are being nerfed and nerfed and nerfed every patch, do you plan to just replace the interceptor with the new “Even bigger and sturdier ship” that is in development?


Because at this pace, it will be just a matter of time interceptors will be just useless.

Just a question after this new patch. Since interceptors are being nerfed and nerfed and nerfed every patch, do you plan to just replace the interceptor with the new “Even bigger and sturdier ship” that is in development?


Because at this pace, it will be just a matter of time interceptors will be just useless.

The only real nerf to interceptors this patch was making stacking adaptives less effective. You still get 90% performance when fitting two adaptives, which is pretty much all you’ll ever have room for. Unless you fly a lot of Jericho interceptors, in which case, putting a third resist or volume module in was a good idea before, anyways.

Interceptors are still ok, it just means that you can’t simply whip every match type in them