Send the cargo home?

Rookie question: i heard there’s a way to send your cargo back to the station, without moving your ship (and spending that precious iridium).

How do you do this? Cheers!



11 hours ago, DaCookiez said:

Rookie question: i heard there’s a way to send your cargo back to the station, without moving your ship (and spending that precious iridium).

How do you do this? Cheers!



Lol. No one is checking the wiki/manual.

Scroll down to ‘Cargo Drone’ for locations:

3 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

Lol. No one is checking the wiki/manual.

Scroll down to ‘Cargo Drone’ for locations:

Some of the wiki stuff is outdated.

I remember there is one thread on Forum, listing (almost) all the cargo drone locations.


Cargo Drones are like, round little (?) metal spheres of happiness. 

They sit in a fixed location in some maps in OS, but not in all locations. Go find one, interact, it will bring your cargo home, minus 10% fee (which is pretty much negligible).


difficulty is in finding one. The current coordination system sucks, the camera xyz barely helps. Only way is to use the xyz and map as reference, then check every corner


here it is. Not sure if all the info are there, or if anything got changed. But majority of the locations are there.

9 hours ago, Schwarzschild said:

Some of the wiki stuff is outdated.

I remember there is one thread on Forum, listing (almost) all the cargo drone locations.


Cargo Drones are like, round little (?) metal spheres of happiness. 

They sit in a fixed location in some maps in OS, but not in all locations. Go find one, interact, it will bring your cargo home, minus 10% fee (which is pretty much negligible).


difficulty is in finding one. The current coordination system sucks, the camera xyz barely helps. Only way is to use the xyz and map as reference, then check every corner

Thank you for a vote of confidence, but I see that you didn’t even visit that page. I created that page and I’m trying to maintain it as current as possible. I also tried to make finding drones as painless as possible. If you have any idea how to make it even easier - please let me know.

Thanks for the wiki link, didn’t know about it ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

it’s a lovely idea, 10% isn’t much.


[xXThunderFlameXx](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/255735-xxthunderflamexx/ “Go to xXThunderFlameXx’s profile”) big thumbs up for that map!