Semi-Newbie looking for a friendly corp



I tried this game back in May 2013 and was intrigued, but quickly got hooked on another game (can’t remember what it was back then, might even have been War Thunder). So recently while browsing through my steam library I stumbled upon this little gem again and am now enjoying it a lot.


I played everything so far - PvP, PvE and Invasion. Except Sector Conquest, since I’ve been flying solo exclusively (until now). Since I enjoy SC so much, I’d like to get into a team that helps me enjoy it even more. Be it just flying together or having some nice talks in chat about loadouts and whatnot.


My native tongue is German but I’d really prefer an English speaking corp to keep my own English up to date as much as possible. Timezones are kind of wierd for me. I work at the pub and as a translator, often at unusual times. So I don’t really have a prime timezone. Sometimes I play at noon, sometimes in the middle of the night … you get the idea. I am also often playing from work, when doing that I can not use voice comms. But for clan events or whatever I’ll always try to be on comms.


I played kinda ‘thoroughly’, as in buying and maxing out every ship. I realized this way of playing hindered my progress a little too much, so right now I am grinding out a set of T3 ships to be at least of some use. Should hopefully be done in a couple of days.


To conclude my boring and way too long post I’ll include my ingame profile, I’m not really sure how skill rating is measured and what it actually means yet, but I guess someone with more experience can make something out of it.




If you got any more questions feel free to ask.


Thanks in advance for possible offers!

R4ge and LuX are German corps, so maybe you could ask them to join.

In WPK we have also plenty of German players but although your stats look very promising, we’re searching for pilots with a bunch of more games.


I’m pretty sure you’ll find a fine corp fast. Good luck with it.

we at owl have a german speaking base too, but prefer english. since we have also non-german members.

also we mostly play t3.

You can join our corporation, Galactic Arc. If you would like to join, click the link in my signature and join our teamspeak. Look for Semaphorism on teamspeak. It is almost all english speaking corporation to.

You can join our corporation, Galactic Arc. If you would like to join, click the link in my signature and join our teamspeak. Look for Semaphorism on teamspeak. It is almost all english speaking corporation to.


Wow, you guys are still alive ? Been a while since I saw a GA member in SC, even during American prime time ! Where have you been ?

also we mostly play t3.


and they kick many butts :o

NASA has players online 24hours a day. We are international, for example I am one of a couple German member, and there are a lot of NASA members online at my timezone (And even more at night). Also we play T3 most of the time, you can send a PM to me ingame or sign up for application on the NASA forum in the corporation forum section. English is the main language :slight_smile:

As Grisha said we are a international corporation so you will not have a issue finding members. You will be able to gain skill fairly quickly flying with us and we are very active in sector conquest. Also JP is on vacation so if you join us we will be able to get some sweet rolls for ourselves before he gets back XD.

Link to our corporation section on the Star Conflict forum: [NASA](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/18684-nasa/)

There is a in game application system now which you can use to apply. At the bottom right part of your screen ( Corporation button, next to profile button ), it will list the corporations, just find NASA or who you want to join and apply.

See you in battle!

[NASA] is an unskilled corporation.

[NASA] is an unskilled corporation.

[NASA] is a bunch of well organized mediocre pilots