Self-destruct bomb?

I was wondering is this skill from a tree functional? I researched it and tried it in solo flight mission but nothing seems to happen (destroying my ship with BCKSPC when near enemy ships with low health). Was there a module planned and not released or withdrawn for this skill? I know that skill tree is outdated but still in CR game mode this skill would be handy when attacking the enemy captain.

There should be a module that is called self destruct bomb. As I remember it’s only usable on Interceptors.

I don’t see it in my shop, but I’m only level 3 warden. Could someone with higher level look up is it available at all?

I don’t see it in my shop, but I’m only level 3 warden. Could someone with higher level look up is it available at all?

it is, but u need to buy this skill for XP

it is, but u need to buy this skill for XP

yeah I bought it, but I need to be at least level 5. :frowning:

ITs really fun, I love this mod. I play ceptor just for it <3 imo it needs to be stronger, lol so i can jump out right runinto them and boom dead.

i kinda gotta try to kill them before i BOOM

If i could label the package on this, i would make it

<terrorist not included>

ITs really fun, I love this mod. I play ceptor just for it <3 imo it needs to be stronger, lol so i can jump out right runinto them and boom dead.

i kinda gotta try to kill them before i BOOM

If i could label the package on this, i would make it

<terrorist not included>

The bombs were stronger some time ago, and because of that they were nerfed.

dam, i was hoping for 100km, 1million damage buff. =/