Sector not gaining defense

Posted in this section because there’s no other suitable section for such bug.


Description: For two consecutive days our Sector Ancient ruins didn’t have any attacks but it didn’t gain defense, while other sectors in the Antaress and Procsimma zones did. Same happened to other sectors of ours, multiple times. (No attacks, yet no defense gained)

On defence: What are the conditions for gaining defense? I can’t find any documentation on the matter 


Since there’s no proper indiciation of what governs defense gain, we had to speculate. And it seemed like having no attacks announced on the sector should allow the sector to gain defense. But that does not seem to be the case


Frequency of occurrence: It has happened multiple times now. And it is seemingly random.

For example: One day we gained 10% on Ancient ruins (no attackers). And the next two days we didn’t (again, no attackers)


Logs: [](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9345)


Location: Ancient Ruins, Pandora Anomaly, Ruined station, scrapyard

– All have had no attackers at some point but did not gain defense. Only Ancient ruins (1/3 times) and Pandora Anomaly(1/2 times) did


Time: I do not know exactly when the defense is supposed to be gained. But it seems to happens during/after dread battles for the faction


My timezone: GMT+5.30

I can confirm this behaviour. Some additional info about the strength mechanics would be appreciated.


Also, we think that in case you have attacks but you DEFLECT all of them, so you don’t get any damage, the sector strength should increase as if they didn’t attack you.

How many locations has your corporation at that time?

If corporation have more than 4 locations then all this locations can’t increase his defence.

How many locations has your corporation at that time?

If corporation have more than 4 locations then all this locations can’t increase his defence.

Oh well, that is the case (we have 6 locations now) how is that fair?


Also, that information was not given at all.

Oh well, that is the case (we have 6 locations now) how is that fair?


To prevent monopolies from certain corps :slight_smile:

To prevent monopolies from certain corps :slight_smile:

No matter how good your corp is, you can’t defend against everyone… If they cap the defence strength it is even less fair.


What is the point of SQ then? getting 4 sectors and then wait for people to attack you to play? It doesn’t make any sense.

No matter how good your corp is, you can’t defend against everyone… If they cap the defence strength it is even less fair.


What is the point of SQ then? getting 4 sectors and then wait for people to attack you to play? It doesn’t make any sense.


Have you noticed ESB has a gold sector with 130% defense points that absolutely noone is attacking, because it’s pointless? Now multiply that by 6, consider the consequences, and you have the answer to your first question. (other corps also have sectors that are not being attacked, I just used ESB as an example)

How many locations has your corporation at that time?

If corporation have more than 4 locations then all this locations can’t increase his defence.

Also, before we had 4 locations, some of your sectors had attacks, which were either blocked or some of them didn’t show up. Shouldn’t that sector increase strength then?


Even if they get damage, shouldn’t all sectors increase their strength every day? What is the point of strenght gain if you can just send one fake attack every day and stop that sector from gaining strength?


Because as it is now, I don’t think is working well.

Well maybe if Colonization Hub didn’t have a 1am EST battle time that no corporations play on (thanks for the timeswap devs! SO MANY PEOPLE ARE BETTER OFF NOW /not) we could actually let someone else take it.

As is, we can’t even GIVE it away and are thus stuck with it.


Also, you know what’s a nice penalty for having too many sectors? It costing several thousand iridium to attack a new one. >___>

Well maybe if Colonization Hub didn’t have a 1am EST battle time that no corporations play on (thanks for the timeswap devs! SO MANY PEOPLE ARE BETTER OFF NOW /not) we could actually let someone else take it.

As is, we can’t even GIVE it away and are thus stuck with it.

Also, you know what’s a nice penalty for having too many sectors? It costing several thousand iridium to attack a new one. >___>

i warned you about that Way back when you had like 2 sectors total, yet you wanted to get greedy, and look at you now.

i warned you about that Way back when you had like 2 sectors total, yet you wanted to get greedy, and look at you now.


Not about this specific problem, considering there was no mention of it whatsoever.

I’m fine with the iridium costs, just not that AND this. I would have had more information to weigh my options with.


Plus the timezone screwover was after I made that decision. Too late at that point.