Sector Conquest - It's not,what I've expected...

…it’s more like a missed chance.


At first I want to make clear, that I don’t cry about the patch. It’s just my opinion about Sector Conquest, and if somebody wants to discuss this, just say it without any emotions. Thanks.


As I read “Sector Conquest” I thought it would be something special. But it isn’t. As we all know, it is Arcade Mode with the opportunity to fight for two sectors on a map where the influence doesn’t really change (48 - 52%). And if I am wrong with some points, I just tried it out yesterday, and that is what I’ve seen so far. Feel free to correct me.


I’ve expected something different. I wished to have the chance to play with more than four Corpmates in one match (without queing up with more squads at the same time). More corporation-oriented stuff. I hoped that Corporations are able to attack and hold different sectors. Actually I don’t have the feeling to fight for the sector. Squadmembers don’t know what we are queing for, because they can’t see any difference between sector conquest and arcade (just put the sectormap then visible for each member). Then: We have different maps, different gamemodes, no matter which sector i choose to fight for. There is nothing, what makes the sectors unique. No bonusses for the faction holding the sectors (like 3% increased lootchance and $$, or more exp/loyality/whatever). And at least, the influence doesn’t really change after we’ve lost or won the match. So it makes no difference of playing arcade or sector conquest.



My suggestions:

  • Make a special gamemode for sector conquest maybe 16 v 16…(divide it in 3 rounds maybe: 1st Round Deathmatch, 2nd Round Capture a Station, 3rd Round hold the station - and set some rules)

  • Sectors should go to other owners more than one time per day.

  • Give us a reason to fight for sectors.

  • Please revamp the corporations (Message of the Day, Corporation-Flag/Logo, More ranks)

I agree with Ohgr, it is a missed opportunity.


Here are my suggestions as well:



  • Reduce the timer to 6 hours for giving out the sectors.

  • Make ALL the frontier sectors to be disputable.



  • Reward bonuses for owning sectors

  • Build defensive and support facilities in frontier sectors (-%revive time, +%radar range, -%radar enemy range, -%targeting time, etc)

  • Build Corporation Base in safe sectors

  • Build Corporation Dreadnought

  • Free flight in Corporation Base/Dreadnought for mining resources, and miniquests.



  • All Factions receive the same amount of resources per hour

  • With theese resources, you build the facilities in the frontier sectors

  • The less sectors a faction has, the more they can concentrate theese facilities, so it is easier for them to defend and take back the sectors lost

  • The more sectors a faction has, the more they have to spread the facilities, so it is harder for them to “sweep the board”

  • Also, a faction can counter attack and use a Dreadnought to warp into an enemy sector not belonging to the frontier, and conquer it.

It’s exactly like arcade also in the fact that you have people that fight for jericho, the empire and the federation all on the same team…How does that make sense? My guess is the only thing that changes the percentages on a sector is the wins or xp the player gets for that faction he’s currently ranked with…How is any progress supposed to be made in Sector Conquest, i really don’t understand.

This evening we tried to team up with two squads/three squads in one team…our corp is representing one faction and what I have thought, that we can’t battle against each other, because we are on the same side. But no…we fought against each other. How does that make sense? Why should we fight against each other, when we represent the same side of conflict! And I really want to fight with my corp and not against our corp. I hate this! We are representing the same team and the same ideas and the same faction!

I’m guessing the way it works is that it tallies wins and losses for each faction in the contested zones, and each time a member of that faction wins they add control, and likewise take it away when they lose.


This would explain why you can appear to be fighting against your own faction, but if you win it counts as a faction win. The downside, of course, is that if you’re shooting down people of the same faction you’re also ensuring your own side suffers losses, which is just plain silly.


The trick is to find something that makes sense in the setting,and is balanced. That is hard believe me; if you have 20 people queued up who are with Jericho and 4 people with the Federation, you can’t very well just throw them against each other.

Yes, this is actually a concept problem. Guilds should be Faction based, like in PlanetSide2, and that would make sense.


The current situation is hard to understand, to solve, and to guide in future patches. This should not have been allowed in the first place. :frowning:

I really think they should take this out of the game and think about the concept again, because it would be nice to have it as realistic as possible. My gamer/roleplayer brain says to me (yeah, it speaks to me :D), that this is wrong. I would never fight someone who has the same ideas.

I don’t think they should have released it in its current form.  It currently seems to be lacking both the incentive to play as well as originality.  


Perhaps if it forced you to only use ships of your current faction, it would set it apart from arcade.  Perhaps if there was some kind of reward per territory controlled, or unique aspect to the loot, etc. there would be some incentive to queue for this.


How to set it apart from the other game types while maintaining balance and without the potential for exploitation?

  • Make a special gamemode for sector conquest maybe 16 v 16…(divide it in 3 rounds maybe: 1st Round Deathmatch, 2nd Round Capture a Station, 3rd Round hold the station - and set some rules)

This i really like !!!

i like what aircraft man says, that would have been awesome. if we had some sort of dreadnought that did not get full hp after a fight and the dmg you deal to it stands all the time so its just a matter of time before it dies or something

I agree with this all Heck 16 on 16 or even just 12 on 12 plus 1 Dreadnaught per side would be epic. Also what do we win for winning? I havn’t heard a word yet.

Sector conquest is not open universe. That will hopefully come later. 

the text written with the update doesn’t lay parallel with the the actual game that we have at the moment.


So it’s hopefully possible, this is far from the end result. and we wil be able play and control the sectors in a solar system.


I just wish wish we could do a friendly Q&A with the dev representatives on- and off-topic.or a better news feed on what their plan is with the updates.

There is some work needed for this game mode, but I think that is why they implemented it. It’s beta and I’m sure they are testing a concept to see how it works in the real. We will see a lot of changes in the future as they smooth this out.

There is some work needed for this game mode, but I think that is why they implemented it. It’s beta and I’m sure they are testing a concept to see how it works in the real. We will see a lot of changes in the future as they smooth this out.



Unfortunately they used the same maps, the same types of games, etc.  So now they diluted the player base across 5 sections of the game now, PVE, PVP Sector, PVP Arcade, PVP Realistic, and Practice matches.  Wonder why the games are taking so long to launch?


The match making for the sector matches is seriously lacking, I’ve fought against Corpmates (My Corporation is Aligned with Jericho), and I know others have.  Watched EVO duke it out a few times all ready too.


So who receives credit for the Victory when a corporation is aligned with 1 side but battles on both sides? 


Seriously wish the patch notes contained more info, they seem to leave out key information constantly in them.

sector conquest should be played only in regular game mode and not arcade 

I know I’ve posted this elsewhere, but I don’t think it would hurt to have more exposure for the idea:


Sector Conflict should be player dominated; Corporations need to PAY to attack a sector - they have to buy a Dreadnought to act as the invasion flagship, buy Warp Beacons to allow more respawns, etc.


Monetise all of this. not with real money, but in game cash (ie: to buy a Dreadnought, the Corporation needs 200 million credits). The Corp can then launch the attack and try to get as many people onto their side of the conflict as possible.


Next, Sector Conflict battles should be all about kill count. Everything counts toward that kill count, and first to zero lives loses. This is done in a no-holds-barred arena; a massive spacescape where you can have a huge number of ships (60+ ideally) all waging war over a massive region.


Example kill counts might be something like this:


Ships: Tier 1 = 1 kill, Tier 2 = 3 kills, Tier 3 = 5 kills, Tier 4 = 8 kills. This is intended to help balance the fact that a Tier 4 would happily farm lower levels all day long, but it also encourages team play - if four tier 1 ships somehow jump and kill a Tier 4, they’ve made an awesome gain for their team!


Beacons: The more a Beacon gives to the team, the more the team loses when it falls. Example: If a Warp Beacon adds +50 to the number of players in the game for a team, they lose fifty lives if it is captured.


Dreadnoughts: Like Beacons, a Dreadnought should give a lot of lives, but cost a lot when it falls. It may even be a case of “If you have no Dreadnoughts, you lose!” This would present some fun options: in a small (1 Dreadnought) battle you could go all-in and try to slay the Dreadnought for the win. In a larger game you might be better kiting the Dreadnoughts and going for lesser kills to win via attrition.


Making a Sector Conquest a big event means that the battle feels like it matters, and that it is more than just one Corp dominating the map. It means independents and smaller corps feel a part of the victory too, because if a corporation has no supporting corps / mercenaries then it will struggle against the sheer numbers a more popular and supported corporation can bring to the fight.


A final idea on that front is to allow Corporations to create a  “Bonus Pool”. This is, quite simply, a pot of cash that is paid to any player who is active during the invasion. The more time you spend, the bigger your share of the pot. This is a very simple way of encouraging players onto your side during a Sector Conflict - if you were going to get 10% more money for flying with one faction over the other, why would you choose to side with the cheap side?

Sector conquest is not open universe. That will hopefully come later. 

Are we sure ?

after playing for a few days this is what i felt the problems with sector conquest was.


  • Unkown cause of effect


when i went to go and defend a sector of jerico space that was under attack last night after a few games that my team won, i noticed that the controll percentage was going in the oposite direction and im left wondering what the heck is going on as it seemed that the jerico faction seemed to be dominating the empire that night in tier 1/2  and then i wanted to know how much my matches were contributing and realised there is no way to tell how mcuh im contributing towards my chosen faction, in short there needs to be a way to see how much you are actually contibuting to defending or attacking a sector


  • Uneven Teir Matchmaking


i have began noticing that even though my selection of ships only range from Tech 1 to the first fighter in Tech 2  i seemed to be matched up with ships WAY stronger than anything i could possably assemble rigth now within the same class as me, during a few games i woudl catch up to what i belived to be a fighter of sorts and would be constantly hitting the ship  but the shields/hull would barely budge at all no matter what i was hitting the thing with, mines, missiles main guns and this was constant and the guy would just shrug it off  and continue going after whatever else was around me that was bigger  untill there was nothign else then pretty much swatting me down. the match making needs to be refined a bit more so the ship teirs are a bit tighter or add some restrictions to how wide your ship lineup can be for entering into some match ups.


  • Need incentive to fight


so far and correct me if im wrong but i see absalutely no perks or penaltys for taking or loseing a sector of space for my faction apart from adding or tkaing away a bit of color on a map atm , a slight bonus for taking and holding differnt sectors would be nice  in a bid to make sectors feel somewhat unique.


  • Unique Sectors ( sub-sector maps )


This one more cosmetic but i feel it woudl add alot mroe depth and immersion to sector wars, there needs to be a small selection of unique maps for each sector of space and only useable when folks are fighting in that sector of space, so differnt match modes would be fought on thees maps but you would be able to tell what sector it was cause you would recognise the area you were in.


  • Game mode selection


if im a mercenary fighting for someone i should be able to know where the hell im going first in order to bring the appropriate ship, i hsould be able to select what game type i want to queue for, especuly if one is incredably poor with a particuler game mode and doesnt want to drag downt he rest of his faction.



well this is what i have so far, if im incorrect about any information then i am sorry and do appologise so please feel free to correct me and point me in the right direction to get the information i need.

Next, Sector Conflict battles should be all about kill count. Everything counts toward that kill count, and first to zero lives loses. This is done in a no-holds-barred arena; a massive spacescape where you can have a huge number of ships (60+ ideally) all waging war over a massive region.


Example kill counts might be something like this:


Ships: Tier 1 = 1 kill, Tier 2 = 3 kills, Tier 3 = 5 kills, Tier 4 = 8 kills. This is intended to help balance the fact that a Tier 4 would happily farm lower levels all day long, but it also encourages team play - if four tier 1 ships somehow jump and kill a Tier 4, they’ve made an awesome gain for their team!


Beacons: The more a Beacon gives to the team, the more the team loses when it falls. Example: If a Warp Beacon adds +50 to the number of players in the game for a team, they lose fifty lives if it is captured.


Dreadnoughts: Like Beacons, a Dreadnought should give a lot of lives, but cost a lot when it falls. It may even be a case of “If you have no Dreadnoughts, you lose!” This would present some fun options: in a small (1 Dreadnought) battle you could go all-in and try to slay the Dreadnought for the win. In a larger game you might be better kiting the Dreadnoughts and going for lesser kills to win via attrition.


Making a Sector Conquest a big event means that the battle feels like it matters, and that it is more than just one Corp dominating the map. It means independents and smaller corps feel a part of the victory too, because if a corporation has no supporting corps / mercenaries then it will struggle against the sheer numbers a more popular and supported corporation can bring to the fight.


A final idea on that front is to allow Corporations to create a  “Bonus Pool”. This is, quite simply, a pot of cash that is paid to any player who is active during the invasion. The more time you spend, the bigger your share of the pot. This is a very simple way of encouraging players onto your side during a Sector Conflict - if you were going to get 10% more money for flying with one faction over the other, why would you choose to side with the cheap side?

Slightly to do with sector conquest, when Dreadnaughts are implemented, I hope it takes a semi-Realistic path. That is to say, teams from the dreadnaught literally start in the dreadnaught’s hangar and fly out to battle. When the ship is destroyed, a long-wait timer is set on that specific model ship as the dreadnaught rebuilds it [and subtracts material/army size from the team], but while that one is being rebuilt, you can take out one of your other ships. Fighting would go on like this until army size drops to zero or the dreadnaught is destroyed.

Doing it like this, using beacons for +army stuff wouldn’t look right. However, if dreadnaughts are also divided by class, smaller corps can have smaller dreadnaughts and could even warp into an active battle and assist a large corp, or group up with other minor fleets and lay siege to a large corp.

I like the idea of the ship tier worths, but then it reminds me that a t4 fighter could busily rip through every single t1 anything it sees, even outracing them as they try to flee. It would look neat, and it would make sense, but it might not be fun for the t1’s when they have to constantly relaunch because some t4 guy hunts them down.

I do like the cash pot as well. With that in place, it is also possible to join a game in progress [whether you are with a group in a minor dreadnaught or if you belonged to the large corp, you got online, and you were just ‘waking up for your duty shift’]. We’re talking long PvP semi-realistic battles. Come to think of it, this sounds more like a free-roam sector effort [plausably with beacons to capture at any given sector]. It would also kill the other game modes unless you managed to combine the ideas into dreadnaughts [sections that need to be emp’d to drop hardpoint shields, hardpoints to destroy, and hangars to capture].

If I talk like this any longer, this’d have to be moved to the suggestions section. I’m sure Sector Conquest will get better.