Sector Conquest - Dreadnought Battle should award modules from owned or contested sectors!




Winning a battle in Sector Conquest - Dreadnought Battle should award modules from that sector instead of only farming them in Open Space to get random items from bots.

Each won battle should award a certain amount of module drops at a time. It’s debatable, but even if you lose, it may be prudent to give at least one module drop to the other team as well.


There’s another option.


Loot or equipment is awarded based on your current Influence points or ownership of the sector, but this also raises some other issues, like favoring certain top corporations.

This brings another issue with small, understaffed and inexperienced corporations that do not have fully developed Dreadnought, those who are struggling with low resources.

I prefer that only wins count so that all participating players or corporations have better chances of getting the benefits out of it.



So, to summarize:




Winning a battle for the sector in ‘Gas Harvest Station’, you will get guaranteed module drops from this sector only.

It would be best if module drops are not random, but they drop based on your personal Atlas collection, so you will be awarded only the missing parts and not random drops.



Screenshot: Winning or owning a specific sector can bring you the modules that are missing in your Atlas, and can only be acquired in this sector.

                    Gas Harvest Station sector will give you the missing modules that are specific only to this sector alone if you participated in a battle and won it.



This is why I suggested in the past that we get the complete list of module drops for each sector when hovering over it with a mouse.



Vote and discuss.

Really good idea! 


Anything that might drive more players to SecCon is welcome. Besides, this would bring OS and SecCon a little closer to each other, if nothing else but in theory. (SecCon and OS should be integrated more.) And by looking at my corp’s activity in Seccon, which is closer to negative than zero ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) , then every motivation is very much needed.


Rich getting richer 2.0

I don’t think a few daily random (random, because guaranteed would give too much vantage and wouldn’t happen in this game anyway) module drops would make any SecCon fan that much ahead of the masses. Plus making us farm OS for hours doesn’t add that much value to the game. On its own OS is still not a big deal and so is SecCon. The two being made interconnected could increase worth and experience to most of us. Like the free jump to an owned sector. Small things like these might help and not necessarily larger projects.

2 hours ago, SINaka said:

I don’t think a few daily random (random, because guaranteed would give too much vantage and wouldn’t happen in this game anyway) module drops would make any SecCon fan that much ahead of the masses. Plus making us farm OS for hours doesn’t add that much value to the game. On its own OS is still not a big deal and so is SecCon. The two being made interconnected could increase worth and experience to most of us. Like the free jump to an owned sector. Small things like these might help and not necessarily larger projects.

And that wouldn’t bring any more players to the Sec Con either, because root problems are still there, resulting in a specific slice of players getting modules for nothing.

21 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

And that wouldn’t bring any more players to the Sec Con either, because root problems are still there, resulting in a specific slice of players getting modules for nothing.


Still better than nothing in promoting SecCon.


As for the rest:

  • Put Ctb back into regular pvp (and combat recon too, why don’t we have it anyway?.. other than the whining about it)

  • During dread sessions open, add SecCon into pvp circulation for those in corps and with dread

  • make SCL an exclusive event thing with any pvp modes 

2 hours ago, SINaka said:

Still better than nothing in promoting SecCon.


Promoting something that does not work, is pointless and counter productive

1 hour ago, xKostyan said:

Promoting something that does not work, is pointless and counter productive


Without a decent content there’s indeed no point in focusing on dreads. But I think there’s still some demand for a useful version. Only the devs’ interest in it isn’t evident. Not to me at least. Something has to/should be done about it anyhow.


Player population is low. Letting them scatter among too many game modes is a problem. Combining OS and SecCon or at least converging them could be one way of easing the difficulties.


It’s the same with PvE. An awful lot of tasks require us to play too many different PvE modes and ranks, and the individuals’ daily progresses are less likely to meet in time and so the queue time gets longer. It needs to be narrowed down and simplified somehow.

E.g.: The map requirements of the tasks should follow a map rotation in random PvE launching while keeping rank restrictions. So, lets say, in every 5 minutes a new map would be required for all the PvE tasks and during that 5 minutes the random PvE launcher would give everyone only the same map with their respective ranks. There are 9 or 10 PvE maps available, so it would take about an hour to go through every map and start the cicle all over… Anyway, this topic is not about PvE, so I shut up now.