Sector Battles show wrong values if trying to announce an attack.

In the body of the topic:

1. Description of the problem, what happened.

2. What did you expected to happen.

  1. The conditions during the situation.

4. Further details on the issue.

5. Frequency of occurrence.

6. Logs + [screenshots](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/18799-how-to-takepost-screenshots/) or a video (Including a description of the issue, where to and how to reproduce it)

  1. If possible, the time when it happend. In this case we will be able to look more closely to the server logs. Also mention your time zone.

8. Information on the configuration of your computer (DxDiag)

  1. The results of this [program](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25324-info-connection-losses-high-ping-and-related-issues/) if the bug report is related to connection issues.

10. If the complaint is related to Sector Conquest, it is necessary to specify the location and time + timezone of the happening.


1. I’m currently Vice President of the WolfPack, i want to announce attacks on different sectors and i saw this, it shows values for me like 33k where other VPs like terrorblade see 45. My corp has 4000 iridium and i want to attack for example a Jericho sector, the true value is still 45. But for me it shows 26k so i can’t even announce it, Empire sector says like 3k and i can announce because we have 4k, but we just lose 45.

2. That i see the real value everywhere, which would be 45.

  1. They are unknown, i just clicked on the map, activated dreadnought battles and right clicked on a sector. There were no special conditions.

5. Currently always, since yesterday 10pm (14 hours ago), i logged in and it’s still the same.


  1. Screenshots:

Empire Me + Terrorblade (both VP)



Jericho  Me + Terrorblade (both VP)



Federation  Me + Terrorblade (both VP)




  1. First time i tried and i saw this was yesterday (13.05.15) at like 9pm (GMT+2), it still occurs now (12pm, 14.05.15)

8. Since this is not a graphical bug this is not required.

  1. It’s not a connection issue.

10. Sectors are stated in the screenshots, the timezones are Mine (GMT+2) and Terrorblade (GMT+5.5)


I add our both game logs but i’m not sure if they help. It wasn’t possible to reconstruct the bug. 

Since it also affects the possibility to attack a federation sector i wouldn’t count it as graphical bug, that’s why i’ve chosen this section.

I suggest you create a section for Sector Conquest Bugs only.


Attached Logs: Mine, 13.05. + 14.05. + Terrorblade’s log 14.05.

[OmegaFighter14-05.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9253)

[OmegaFighter13-05.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9254)

[Terrorblade14-05.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9255)

That’s what you get when you want to attack my sector  :012j:

The iridium in the corporate bank is only shown at 60 for terrorblade also, even though for you it is in the 1000s which seems to be a roblem (if you both took the screens at the same time)

The iridium in the corporate bank is only shown at 60 for terrorblade also, even though for you it is in the 1000s which seems to be a roblem (if you both took the screens at the same time)


You can see the time of each screenshot in the top left, depending on time zones they are at least 1/2 an hour apart.

You can see the time of each screenshot in the top left, depending on time zones they are at least 1/2 an hour apart.


Well terrorblade is at GMT+5.5 apparently.  Could you confirm the screenshots were made at the same time Omegafighter? I’m having difficulty understanding all these different time zone things (I didn’t even know that GMT +5.5 was even possible lol)

Well terrorblade is at GMT+5.5 apparently.  Could you confirm the screenshots were made at the same time Omegafighter? I’m having difficulty understanding all these different time zone things (I didn’t even know that GMT +5.5 was even possible lol)

I am surprised as well, but I think it is.

No, he made his screenshots like few minutes later, but even if they were made in the same second the result would be same.

Also, yesterday we got a sector! Look now. I should be able to announce anyway because the cost is like 400, but i can’t.


00KXLlm.jpgBut apparently, if the CEO demotes & promotes me the value decreases, it was 332k, i asked Kurdi to de/promote me and it decreased to 303k! What a nice difference. 

Well terrorblade is at GMT+5.5 apparently.  Could you confirm the screenshots were made at the same time Omegafighter? I’m having difficulty understanding all these different time zone things (I didn’t even know that GMT +5.5 was even possible lol)

Mine were taken after omega took his screenshots, afaik. He asked me to take screenshots but i took them a while later because i busy doing something

I believe between that time we spent 5k on a turret

I believe between that time we spent 5k on a turret

And i started it, maybe it has smth to do with that.

Weird. It looks more like your account still has to pay the old prices (before the devs realized that charging people insane amounts of iridium to play in their own time zone since they didn’t tell anyone about that was a bad idea) while everybody else pays the new ones.

Did you try logging in from different place ie steam or launcher, whichever one you don’t use?

Is the issue repeated now?