sec conquiest still unfair...

thought sec con was fixed about meet r 10-12 when we fly in a sector 7-9 ???

thought it was almost impossible to meet other ships than 7-9  at this moment ??

but finally it’s same sht…

ppl come with much courage, but if each time they meet highter rank ships, they will be discouraging to play  this mode

as always.

One team had already give up because that… later the second will give up too if it’s stay unbalanced !

don’t tell me that sec conquest is only for big team, big corp, big team of aliens ships ???



stop playing … the Dev’s are trying to compensate for the dwindling player base so they are putting  rank 1 in with rank 17 so the queue times aren’t upwards of an hour and a half … I mean what do you even get for it any way … something worth your high blood pressure ???

well, i’m not sure if there’s much “high blood pressure”  : ) but that is sure it’s the same unbalanced game as before. Ppl don’t ask to win all time, but at least make good and nices équilibrates battles, even if loss…

seem to be still very complicate.

11 hours ago, SheenShade said:

thought sec con was fixed about meet r 10-12 when we fly in a sector 7-9 ???

thought it was almost impossible to meet other ships than 7-9  at this moment ??

but finally it’s same sht…

ppl come with much courage, but if each time they meet highter rank ships, they will be discouraging to play  this mode

as always.

One team had already give up because that… later the second will give up too if it’s stay unbalanced !

don’t tell me that sec conquest is only for big team, big corp, big team of aliens ships ???





I’ve got a suggestion for this:


P.s. Crab, it’s not been approved yet…


… Yo, someone push it through pls.

Yes, will be nice to see this suggestion : )


oh yes, saw your suggestion, very nice  ! anyway, we don’t have team anymore, now for sec. conq…sometime one person go, make some points, that’s all.