Searching for a corp.


Hi, I’m a young male looking to join a corporation.

Why? Because I prefer to work as a team member rather than a lone wolf and I need advice and help on playing the game.

When I post this, I have tier 1 ships but in about an hour I will have my first tier 2 and that’ll be an empire ship, the Hercules Arrow.

Even though I am young, I have been playing video games for the past 5 years starting with COD until I got into the computer platform and went into the Sci-Fi genre.

I live in Wales, UK so my timezone is GMT.

I do have teamspeak but have only used it to speak to my friends.


I’m a quick learner and will be grateful if anyone invites me


My username on Star Conflict is: samjune3


See you on the field, pilots.

Not to burst your bubble but 17 games is not enough to join most corps. Some corps require at least T3, and 200+ battles. I understand you want to be part of a team and thats commendable. Keep at it. 

Not to burst your bubble but 17 games is not enough to join most corps. Some corps require at least T3, and 200+ battles. I understand you want to be part of a team and thats commendable. Keep at it. 

I know that most corps don’t accept people like me but some do supports ‘Newbies’ like me. Thanks for the feedback.

I know that most corps don’t accept people like me but some do supports ‘Newbies’ like me. Thanks for the feedback.


Check out CORP or I think some other corps like Alpha or such recruit newbies.