
Its come to my attention that the leaders score board is way out of whack the current kill leader xtal hasn’t even been on in nine months i am approaching 20,000 pvp kills and would like to see the scoreboard updated I

stand corrected as there also appears to be many more who also have also not been recognised in the leaders board :facepalm:  :learn:  

Do you think that you’re the only one who wasnt updated?


NanteIranai: 64000

TNeoDC: 47000

ComradTroy: 28000 

Kipps: 24000



And I just took 4 guys I had in my follow list… number 1 he says xD

that’s why we are starting this thread so people can atleast( we ,I, You) have a bloody clue who to crush when we out fighting sick of shooting scrubs and it should only be fair to know who the top dog to go for actually is 

Well, actually I don’t shoot someone or the other one based on their stats, but yeah I want also an actuallized score board. I saw myself the other day on the average efficiency one with 1900 and I can’t find me anymore, and I don’t think I droped in 2 days from pos 30 to pos XXX I didn’t find me in the 200 first positions.

Well, seems like bug for me.


Could you please start a topic in Bug Section about this issue?