SCL Baron's Elite Discussion


Welcome to discuss [First Four Trade Routes Protection](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/31079-pirate-baron-pays-tax-from-the-first-four-routes/)!

Lol and I thought that Leagues would become worth-while after this event. Oh well.


on 31 july is passed but nothing happened in baron’s elite ,why? 

maybe the Baron is sleeping …

On 01.08.2016 at 5:10 PM, GinoGallino said:

on 31 july is passed but nothing happened in baron’s elite ,why? 

maybe the Baron is sleeping …

The Baron is awake)

Welcome to discuss [Second Four Trade Routes Protection!](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/31186-pirate-baron-grants-four-more-places-among-the-%E2%80%98elite%E2%80%99/)



Welcome to discuss [Eight teams in Baron’s Elite!](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/31192-scl-barons-elite-eight-teams-are-working-on-trade-routes-protection/)


The first Baron’s Elite play-offs held today, at 18:00 MSK (GMT+3)

  • challenger botbl (captain NEYTRON ) - Null Elite (captain Heblember );
  • challenger bananapie (captain KoffeWite ) - RoyalCrabs Elite (captain Triche );

Games will run one after the another, in the best of 2 rounds format. Team-contenders will battle for the right to perform additional tasks to protect trade routes and for the right to be an agent of Pirate Baron! In order to get into the Elite, you need to win at least one victory, and to lose that status - lost both the battle.

Russian broadcast on GoodGame!

I suppose all the teams are Russian,why bother to post the news about the SCL on the English forums anyway?Noone really cares…

No that still interesting, we can learn some tips

Yeh, I watched one. I did not understand a thing except for lots of ‘banana’-ing ![:fed015:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/fed015.png “:fed015:”) but it was nice to see how they used their modules, and timing and stuff.

P.S.: We definitely need a banana emoticon.

P.S.S.: Why don’t we have this> ![:wopl_smile:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/wopl_smile.gif “:wopl_smile:”)or this>  ![:wopl_smile_war_thunder:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/wopl_smile_war_thunder.gif “:wopl_smile_war_thunder:”) in Star Conflict version?


Welcome to discuss[New Trade Routes Protection Mission](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/31316-baron-takes-the-best-challengers-into-elite/)!

[New matches for the places among Baron’s Elite](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/31316-baron-takes-the-best-challengers-into-elite/&do=findComment&comment=375002) will be held soon!

[Baron starts to recruit the best ones again!](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/31489-baron-starts-to-recruit-the-best-ones-the-new-elite-is-here/)


Now I get the feeling Ninja will start farming,so all of this will basically be a replay of what happened last time.

Ninja is the strongest now, yes. But there’s a time when DNO guys was considered invinsible. Now they’re beaten. It’s basicly about what you’re aiming to while playing Leagues. And still a great rewards just by being in Elite ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

Ninja are not unable to be beaten. I’ve managed it at least once, so…

45 minutes ago, Shotan said:

Ninja are not unable to be beaten. I’ve managed it at least once, so…

We almost got them once as well. But they own 5 Destroyers in total. We learned their strategy. We will adapt. More practice and teamwork might help, but what we really need, is to master Destroyers. Without them, I don’t believe that we can pull it off, especially when rank 14s’ will come out. Noone is unbeatable, that’s true!

16 minutes ago, Koromac said:

We almost got them once as well. But they own 5 Destroyers in total. We learned their strategy. We will adapt. More practice and teamwork might help, but what we really need, is to master Destroyers. Without them, I don’t believe that we can pull it off, especially when rank 14s’ will come out. Noone is unbeatable, that’s true!

That mean that my Ronin and Brave can be beaten D: ?