Science News. Life!


Hello everyone! Once again this is your eternal science blog presenter Marcus Chromakeykus! Today’s edition of ‘Weird science! At the galaxy’s edge’ will be broadcast from dock 4 of station ‘Ellydium Theta’. Together with me are Dr. Conrad Dimeni, as well as the head of the mysterious and highly guarded ‘Science Complex #2’ Dr. Matthew Gilmore.

  • Matthew, tell me, what is your mysterious laboratory working on?
  • Marcus, laboratories, located in the second science complex, are mostly engaged in studying alien artifacts and their interaction with Iridium and living cells.Unfortunately, the lab is only open to personnel with AAA security clearance, and we will not be able to introduce you to our staff and experiments.
  • Remember, I told you I’d have to freeze you, Marcus?It was not a joke!
  • Well, freezing organisms for long term storage of hundreds or even thousands of years has been successfully resolved a long time ago and is not a big secret.It’s successfully applied, for example, in cosmetic surgery - some wrinkles smooth themselves out after a couple of years in the cryochamber…
  • No, thank you, I’d rather live a wrinkled life.
  • Well, as you wish, Marcus.We could give you a good discount - the first ten years in the cryochamber free of charge!
  • Instead tell me which experiment you want to show our viewers and listeners?We’re live! And by the way, why is the dock number 4 so different from the rest of the docks at ‘Ellydium Theta’?
  • Yes, dock 4 is special.We plan to use it for particularly large ships designed for long-haul flights between star systems. So far these are rare visitors in the fringe sectors. However, independent traders on cruisers have been visiting a lot more often.
  • And we’re inviting you to the testing of our latest ship weapon prototype.Dr. Gilmore will tell you more.
  • Of course.Let us come closer to the prototype. As you can see, it is based on a standard kinetic weapon. But its projectiles are our own development. Each charge holds billions of crystalline pseudo-organisms. They are released in close proximity to the target. For example, an enemy ship. Pseudo-organisms can destroy a spacecraft’s hull in the blink of an eye. And no energy shield is going to stop them!
  • Thank you, Matthew.Let’s not reveal all our secrets. After all, this is our business. I think the audience just needs to see the effect to immediately queue for the latest cannon.
  • Yes, this is a very impressive demonstration.Look! My shoe!
  • Take it off now, Marcus!
  • It’s ruined!Holes everywhere!
  • There’s no need to be upset!Science requires sacrifice!
  • Thank you, Conrad.Thank you, Matthew. Science really can work wonders! That is all. Tune in next week. I’ve been Marcus. Stay with us!

To be continued…

The teaser for the kinetic weapon, deals damage to hull and ignores shields, why does the game hate Jericho? 

Just jericho? It seem to be more elly vs. rest with jericho the nr. 1 victim…

Pilotable cargo ships confirmed? ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

We better get some nice a** modules for the engies soon, it’s already a pain to heal thar’gas and now we are getting an entire arsenal of straight hull modules.


What? A weapon that ignores shield? That will either be useless or totally OP. There is no middle ground for such a weapon.

24 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

I bet it will be Alien-CovOps-only kind of weapon ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

lol imagine a plasma arc that ignores shields XD

If you get close enough it will.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

FML. Why did I even grind for a Ronin? :c

I’m already stressing over something that is not even released… sigh. I know I will hate this new weapon.

Rip jerry.

So another close combat weapon that can one shoot uh ok that recon will be really dangerous


18 minutes ago, Sinaka said:

I’m already stressing over something that is not even released… sigh. I know I will hate this new weapon.

It’s PTSD from destroyers and thar’gas and general “OP on launch syndrome” that the game has been suffering from for the past year.

In this case it’s PRE traumatic… ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

3 hours ago, millanbel said:

What? A weapon that ignores shield? That will either be useless or totally OP. There is no middle ground for such a weapon.

It sounded more like that the weapon has otherwise normal kinetic projectiles which will plink against shields, but have some extra shield ignoring small AoE damage over time effect on top of that.

They seem to really want Jericho players to equip regenerating coating or something…

Isn’t the weapon like an inverse Eclipse launcher? Not shield but hull centric, not healing but eating hull pts?

Maybe you need a system hack to reprogram the pseudorgs to stopp eating your ship?



It feels like I am going to leave the game for a month like when Targas appeared. The first month was really bad with those donater Targas killing tens of ships one after another. I felt a paid woman who was food for the wealthy guys who can pay 100 or 500$ for the the full-synergy-all-modules-Targa. It did not feel right, so I played only Open Space for a month.

Did I miss something? What’s with the crab claws? 


Okay I got it. 1st April prank!