Scanning Cargo

Before I start, I talked this topic with CinnamonFake to know how openspace RNG works.

He told me materials generated end of ~3 second delay, after pressing C.


Here is my suggestion:

When you are close enough to collect cargo, you could also scan it. 


This is why i suggest that: 

1- When your cargo space full, you have to “Press Enter > Eject some cargo with mouse > Press Esc or Enter” to collect new cargo and sometimes the new one useless and u wanted to keep old cargo. Again you have to eject new one to collect old one.

2- While you doing ejecting thing you have to slow your ship down and in openspace if you are chasing by NPCs its kinda risky move.

3- We are flying freaking spaceship and we are picking cargo without knowing whats inside. What if there is a very deadly alien virus? and… and turn us into a biomorph??? (this one jk*)


How is this gonna work if you are asking?

When you are close enough for picking cargo there is a second option that you can scan it. End of first scan, same RNG code for generating, it works once. Just like it works on collecting; when you are run out of space you can’t change once you tried to pick up cargo and failed. No matter how many tries, cargo will be still same.


Please vote and comment your opinion about it.

3 hours ago, WiseAlert said:

End of first scan, same RNG code for generating, it works once. Just like it works on collecting; when you are run out of space you can’t change once you tried to pick up cargo and failed. No matter how many tries, cargo will be still same.

I don’t u see stand this part but I would love to be able to peer inside of containers before I picked them up. Would be super nice to not have to do a cargo shuffle every time I wanted to see what was inside something

I think it is not a good idea,  the map will end up fuil of Vanadium and/or 100 credits mineral nodes because no one will pick them.

12 minutes ago, Nizelien said:

I think it is not a good idea,  the map will end up fuil of Vanadium and/or 100 credits mineral nodes because no one will pick them.

That’s the point. Nobody wants those things.


And there should be a “burn item” or “trash item” slot that destroys a given item permanently without dropping it.

In fact, what we need is simple : When full, a prompt to exchange one of your items against the new one (displaying what it is), or cancel, transforming the “loot” into a “container”. 

In fact: We need stack system first. Then even vanadium wouldn’t be so BAD.

An eject button while your cargo is full would be nice too.
Then even we wouldn’t really need a ‘scanner’ ability.

10 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

In fact: We need stack system first. Then even vanadium wouldn’t be so BAD.

An eject button while your cargo is full would be nice too.
Then even we wouldn’t really need a ‘scanner’ ability.

Yup. And make that both extended hull and spacial gives +1 bonus stack to the loot, whatever the loot is.

I think the reason why scaning isn´t a option is simply cus most players fly OS only for 2 minerals. And this is atm Neo and Bery ore (might whenever the R14 mat be as well).

So if you could scan the node to see the contend no one would pick it up to create a new node = no new chance for the drop you look for = OS becomes even more pointless.

Why stacks aren´t a thing is even for me a mystery espacilly when you fly the frigates that should have tons of space to allow stacks. So an possible idea could be that interceptors can stack up to 3 times/loot, fighters can stack up to 5/loot and frigates can stack up to 8/loot. If a stack is full the node/container still can be gathered but it would simply “trash” the 3/5/8th stacked thing. So if you have for example 5/5 crystals the next crytal will be collected but not counted cus it will simply be “trashed”.

You can even see when pilots are farming certain areas cus you either can follow droped cargo lines or you see cargo clusters close to a node point cus they don´t need the most stuff

lets say after a scan loot disappears after 3-5 min and spawns fresh ore? is that enough?

cant belive that you guys discussing stacking in here…lol