SC - Too heavy for new players

it seems to me that the jump between T1, T2. to the T3 is too large.

Likewise if someone has ships from rank: 9,9,8,11. it fights with T5. If a game as long as I can cope but new to collapse.

tutorial, should be more extended (so as to know the exact role of each ship). Completing a tutorial one ship is in my opinion a mistake.

Problem is the role of ships is prone to change.

For exemple guards are supposed to be area denial ships. Now jericho range frigs do that better than them (from afar), let alone destroyers (from all ranges).
I keep playing them, but mostly to hunt down destroyers with anomalie generators (you can basically solo kill a destroyer with those in less than a minute if he’s not paying attention to you)

If you tell people who need tutorials that guards are area denial ships and that they try to play them like that in T2 they won’t understand.
Actually those damages x3 maps that we have every now and then allow just any ship to tear a guard appart before the said guard can face it’s opponent.
(on the other hand those maps may make destroyer players rethink their gameplay as well)

4 hours ago, PiotrPit said:

it seems to me that the jump between T1, T2. to the T3 is too large.

Likewise if someone has ships from rank: 9,9,8,11. it fights with T5. If a game as long as I can cope but new to collapse.

tutorial, should be more extended (so as to know the exact role of each ship). Completing a tutorial one ship is in my opinion a mistake.

There are 3 tiers now. Easy 1-5, Medium R6-R9, Hard - R10-R15. If you equip one R10+, you are going to hard mode. 
Also - most of the ships are explained in video tutorials from Igromania 


I had forgotten about these videos! They are great

coming from eve online, I don’t  perceive this game as too heavy. But a solution would be too permanently link the tutorial vids ingame.

Alot of players might not even know about them, if they don’t take a look into forums.

43 minutes ago, niripas said:

There are 3 tiers now. Easy 1-5, Medium R6-R9, Hard - R10-R15. If you equip one R10+, you are going to hard mode. 
Also - most of the ships are explained in video tutorials from Igromania 


What he is saying is that there’s a huge gap between rank 5 and rank 6, or rank 9 and rank 10.


A graphical representation of this would be 


10          ___

5      ___|

1___|                  power


While it used to be


10    /

5   /

1 /                power

6 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

What he is saying is that there’s a huge gap between rank 5 and rank 6, or rank 9 and rank 10.


A graphical representation of this would be 


10          ___

5      ___|

1___|                  power


While it used to be


10    /

5   /

1 /                power

People cannot climb such steep hills,why do you think we have stairs?

which is why you should stay at some ranks until you unlock multiple lines of ships

you need the fleet strength, exercise, etc. anyway to continue. takes a while to learn all roles, modules, and also have ships of different sorts just to be flexible.

with the new balancing higher ranks have less of a difference now, so actually they just tried to improve exactly that. if you take a lower rank ship in a higher rank game, you will have resistance and damage bonuses. I played a lot of r9 lately against r15, even against good pilots with good ships - you will not have a clear advantage, except your ship is smaller, but you will not suffer so much as it was before, when there was no thing like this.

if you go up further from a full house R1-R9 synergized, synergizing the second half of all the ships is going to be a lot faster, than going up only with a few. each ship you finish is one percent after all, and having the low ranks synergized vs. having the credits to unlock more ships should actually make it harder creditwise aswell in mid-progression, so i would still try to synergize lower ships more, while you already “unlock” some of the ships in higher ranks you are going to fly later.

another good tip is to safe up free syn to be able to instarank to syn2 (for the first bonus), or prepare higher tiered ships by going for your strong points, so one ship already awaits you with full syn and equipment for the hard games. so if you were a good styx in r9, go for minotaur in r11, etc.

going like this, you will spend some time in “medium” (old T2-T3), but snowball up to R15 in no time once you have a good buffer of credits. For people with less PvP strength, there is still the option to farm pves instead, but I rather would play pvp to get better in it.

btw. I understand “heavy” as “schwer” in german, which means heavy, and difficult, at the same time, probably also in other languages, but in english i think it’s rather “difficult” or “hard”

with the new larger tiers (easy, medium, hard) it’s also easier to rank up multiple lines of ships, just make sure you get everything to the last rank of your difficulty, before you move on. your best R9 ships should of course stay with you, while you start to unlock R10+. The difference between R9 and R10 in hard is minimal.

As a sidenote: larger tier groups basicly reduced the problem between ranks from 3 ranks per tier for 5-7 queues to 5 ranks per tier for 3 queues. So this gap was always a bit there, but now, while it gets a bit bigger per tier, there are actually only 2 gaps now, which thankfully to the bonuses do not count as much as before. So exactly this problem you describe has been improved lately, and even if they would not have unified the tiers, the bonuses would still make sense - and the difference between ranks was still prevalent, basicly negating the usage of low rank ships in any tier.

On 12/11/2016 at 1:37 PM, niripas said:

There are 3 tiers now. Easy 1-5, Medium R6-R9, Hard - R10-R15. If you equip one R10+, you are going to hard mode. 
Also - most of the ships are explained in video tutorials from Igromania 


1-5, 5-9, 10-15

still don’t understand why 5’s in both groups

I don’t understand why 10 is not in both ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”) but maybe because I was used to one tier being best of a and worst of b at the same time, since we had tier mixing.

but you are right, it kinda brings up the question, where are you going to be with all-fivers?

As I am not playing down there, would be interesting to know.

From the balance standpoint I do get 1-5 and 5-9, which is why I would rather also see 5-10 in medium, which basicly denotes, which rank does not get any missing-implant-bonus (the highest), and until which rank you will get bonuses (the lowest rank), while all ranks below that only get the bonus of the lowest rank (so 4 will still get the same as 5, essentially making it obsolete in that tier, but 5 will get more than 6 in medium, so its still included in the tier)

back to the topic.
I would suggest breaking tutorial for a few parts. So that players aged 10-18 knew how to play.
so my attention.
movies are good but the new players they are unlikely to watch; if the game does not enjoy it within 2-3 hours, then they will not be playing it.

I know that you care about the older players but must sometimes think the new players and their problems ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)