satellite crystal

I like the fact that the new update nerfed the over-powered T’Har’Ok beamer, but satellite is over powered. Come on! This is even more OP then Thar’Ga’s inhibitor swarm.

Crystal satellite
   Now additionally reduces the target’s maneuverability by 50%
   Damage increased by 15%
   Fixed a bug where the module’s owner was slowed down instead of the target


 Reduced damage of slow charges by 10%
   Reduced speed of slow charges by 15%


Oh my, it will do 700 dmg less!


What do you expected, elly frigate is not anywhere soon.

It’s not why I care about in this patch. 

Instead :


Inhibitor crystal
   Initial damage increased by 15%
   Inhibition power doubled
   Active radius increased by 150 m



WHY ??? 

It’s already by far the most broken module I’ve ever seen! 

23k damage every 10 seconds in a 2k5 radius? 



And considering the slow was of 50% but has been doubled ; do we seriously have a 100% slow? 

1 hour ago, Swifter43021 said:

And considering the slow was of 50% but has been doubled ; do we seriously have a 100% slow? 

We have a pure taikin tackler now…

22 minutes ago, specopsbarton said:

We have a pure taikin tackler now…

Well, the slow doesn’t have much impact. Considering it’s duration it cloe to null. But still.