Salvaging Ships

Right now fully synergized ships contribute to your fleet ranking, helping you synergize other ships faster. It is possible to sell these ships at the penalty of reduced fleet strength, for some credits.


I would like to propose that players also be allowed to salvage ships that are at full synergy in exchange for a substantial amount of crafting resources (Osmium, Graphite, Processing Blocks, Screened Batteries, etc.). Heck, maybe even a fully crafted ship part, like a deflector package. Salvaging would differ from Selling, in that it would reset the ship’s synergy back to 0. In order to salvage, the ship must be Elite status.


This would help pilots who are in their “end game” and don’t need the synergy bonus from Fleet Strength.

If you are in end game the only thing you lack are voucher and crystals. But why not?

Please clarify : 
If you salvage it do you buy it again ?
Because from your words I understood that you only lose the synergy, which is wrong.

On a side note : lore wise Synergy is the ability and skill / experience your pilot have gaining piloting that ship. How can you transfer knowledge/experience into solid object is another matter.
Maybe your pilot learns all about his ship and when he salvage it he knows how to get valuable parts out of it - Sure, that works.

But in any case when you salvage you have to lose the ship and buy it again for few million of credits (normal cost).

Since when has lore been important? Maybe at the start but not now…

Please clarify : 

If you salvage it do you buy it again ?

Because from your words I understood that you only lose the synergy, which is wrong.

On a side note : lore wise Synergy is the ability and skill / experience your pilot have gaining piloting that ship. How can you transfer knowledge/experience into solid object is another matter.

Maybe your pilot learns all about his ship and when he salvage it he knows how to get valuable parts out of it - Sure, that works.

But in any case when you salvage you have to lose the ship and buy it again for few million of credits (normal cost).

Then again, how does one take synergy out of a ship? Do you just throw GS at it and watch as multiples of 150 synergy pop out?

Then again, how does one take synergy out of a ship? Do you just throw GS at it and watch as multiples of 150 synergy pop out?


I, uh



Is this what you do in your spare time?

Well, that came to mind when you said “Do you just throw GS at it and watch as multiples of 150 synergy pop out?”