Saluyt range bonus doesn't work

| Error report |
| Describe problem and what you saw | 50% bonus to the range of ecm modules doesn’t work, each module has the base range |
| What you expected to see | 50% more range on ecm modules |
| Conditions in which error reproduce | always |
| Problem details | bonus doesn’t work |
| Frequency of reproduction | always |
| Time of bug |   |



unknown.png unknown.png

Accepted as SC-114942

1 and 2 were fixed.

How about 3 (System hack)? 





On 5/1/2021 at 5:11 PM, DaCookiez said:

How about 3 (System hack)? 

Could you please make screenshots without white space?

Not a bug.


System Hack has base range of 1500m. So 2250 is the correct range for Salyut.