RoboBunny Mafia

hehe but also, it was a very close game. i remember that you guys won at the last second. 

I recall me goin #YOLO at the end so we could lose but my team didnt let me

Still, if we’d had hellio, I think we would have slaughtered. 

I made it mill! 


For RadiX!


this is where all the flood posts can go from our recruiting thread. 


“No screeny, no bad ping” 


@Na$a Gang, 4v4 us t3 detonation! 


seph makin me cry. he deleted all the flood posts. :( 

t3 suck, we can do it in T5

But the RoboBunny Mafia likes t3 better. I also don’t have good ships in t5… my ships are rainbows! Green, blue, purple, and white. 

and quite a few of our players are not well equipped in t5 at all. base only has 3 t5 ships. 


we could do t1!!! that way it would be all about skill and not about equipment *cough* or is that why you want t5? :D 

Kick FocusedRisk’s xxxx to start levelling his T5s, he has been farming t3 for god knows how long now.

haha but it’s his choice. 

So T4 it is then. Not detonation though because the frig boys will complain.

nooooo base lol. i don’t have any good t4s. 


anything t3 and below for me. 


EDIT: my konkistador could arguably be whipped into shape but it would take a couple of weeks. 

nooooo base lol. i don’t have any good t4s. 


anything t3 and below for me. 

then staph bitching… everyone with mk2 T4s

how about white gloves t5? 

how about white gloves t5? 

T5 > do it right or don’t do it…

T5 > do it right or don’t do it…


This ^


T5 or go home. Doing anything involving NA$AGang without our fearless (ish) leader is a sin

t5 is where the big boys play


Anywhere else is the kindergarten sandpit where we go to have fun stomping aces




BTW ArcTic:




Feeling a bit lonely there?  :00222:

seph makin me cry. he deleted all the flood posts. :( 


We should have preemptively asked him to move all those posts to this new thread, before he deleted them.  Is it even possible to move groups of posts around?

Perhaps NA$A Gang is afraid to play against people who have equal equipment to what they have?


t5 white gloves or t3 and below. if you don’t think you can take us, just say so. :D 

It’s not like I have to prove anything  :006j:

and also most of our guys dont have full purple mk4… so w/e

We should have preemptively asked him to move all those posts to this new thread, before he deleted them.  Is it even possible to move groups of posts around?


Moved. Please post in the proper section next time. :001j: