Reward Pilots For Bringing One Ship Only.

And winning, of course. (even more with no deaths)

If they lose, the reward is the same as a normal loss.

This should go across all modes. The base reward would be as it is now, but with 4 ships.

once you start going down, 3 ships, 2 ships, 1 ship, the reward goes up, and your leveling gets faster.

Let’s encourage people to hurt their team!

what, no


Reward Pilots For Bringing One Ship Only.


Nice way of spelling “punish”.

simple: No

This idea is so stupid it belongs in a UKIP manifesto.

This idea is so stupid it belongs in a UKIP manifesto.


XD how they are even allowed to be a legit party i have no idea

Yes, also reward spawn camping, LRF captaining, engineers with pure multipurpose fits (that is so brave!) - and teams without engi at all should get double bonuses for their ingenious strategic forethought!

They take such a risk, they should be rewarded for that!


And what about reducing the death timer for spearhead rambos, so they can finally finish their dream of leroy jenking into the enemy team alone in their brave tackler multiple times!

They are heroes dammit! They bravely lead the team into the mouth of hell! Cowards, where is my team!?


Also, I find it unfair, that they do not get more rewards if they bring T2 into T5 games; they should get gazillions of synergy, and T5 loot for that bravery!

This would also make it unneccessary to give them the sad news about actually getting less if they tier rush!


Now all that is need to be fixed is the Matchmaker, so already uber-squads get even stronger randoms to make the game even more challenging! Maybe they should get Defilers as beacon drones, too!

This idea is so stupid it belongs in a UKIP manifesto.



XD how they are even allowed to be a legit party i have no idea



Wow ! Something in this thread I actually agree with !


You brought a tear to an auld mans glass eye !

I vote that the developers give WolfKhan the ability to do the Defiler mission by himself. That should satisfy this mad craving.

It would give incentive for the best players to only bring one ship to the battle, and it’d

give the less experienced a higher chance at defeating the enemy. 

Available to people who have SR of >9000

Allow those with confidence* xD

Also: Allow the pilot squads of 4, who only put on one ship each, be put into the queue as if they were to be in it individually. 

Also: Allow the pilot squads of 4, who only put on one ship each, be put into the queue as if they were to be in it individually. 


vZcClQV.jpg Are you serious

we need special reward for who bring t1 ship to t5 pls

vZcClQV.jpg Are you serious

Oh, hey look, it’s Shion/Mion.








From the Higurashi cast.


we need special reward for who bring t1 ship to t5 pls

and for those that bring only one ship - T1 LRF to T5 >> squad is required for it… 2nd pilot have to use TRex with 4x survival modules!


IF squad like that win will get OVER 100 000 000 credits!