Returning player

I played way back when this game was in open beta and just recently returned, I heard in chat that new players get way better career rewards, is this true?


I’m barely rank 6 in 2 factions and rank 8 in the last one, is it better to dump my old account and make a new one instead?

yeah, for each new rank in a faction you get a nice reward, ranks 6/6/8 is almost nothing with current progression (as long as you did not dumb some money into prems on your old account), I’d recomend just restart.

2 hours ago, MightyHoot said:



34 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

yeah, for each new rank in a faction you get a nice reward, ranks 6/6/8 is almost nothing with current progression (as long as you did not dumb some money into prems on your old account), I’d recomend just restart.


Thanks guys.

Will do!

4 hours ago, Knight_ldr said:

Thanks guys.

Will do!

Keep us updated with your progress! And do not forget to contact me in-game. I need to get Grandmaster title, so I need rookies! ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

The game is dieing dont waste your time tbh. The game is going more over to p2w. If you can’t spend big bucks not Worth it.

Check all the steam reveiws of the game first.

Also the playerbase is diveing.

Yes, steam info is important…

2 hours ago, Kaprylo said:

The game is dieing dont waste your time tbh. The game is going more over to p2w. If you can’t spend big bucks not Worth it.

Check all the steam reveiws of the game first.

Also the playerbase is diveing.

I don’t really care about that, I just like blowing things up in a space ships and I can do this in a coop fashion, so I’m good :slight_smile:


Besides it’s a F2P game, I never put money on F2P games, well there’s LOL, but we don’t talk about LOL…

5 minutes ago, Knight_ldr said:

but we don’t talk about LOL…

exLoL player here, we don’t speak salty here, well, not as much as people talk salty there thats fo sho xd

I’ve reached rank 5 with all 3 factions, got my “Flawless Victory” achievement, “Recruit” and 730 GS, soon I’ll have enough for my portrait and taunt XD

On 2/6/2017 at 3:10 PM, Livingsword said:

I’ve reached rank 5 with all 3 factions, got my “Flawless Victory” achievement, “Recruit” and 730 GS, soon I’ll have enough for my portrait and taunt XD

Good. Pick up my Taunt!  ![:576a55a9bca5d_):](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/576a55a9bca5d_).png “:576a55a9bca5d_):”)