
Hey guys!

Yesterday I wanted to do the newest PvP xenochips mission: Kill 3 enemies with a Disintegrator. I did not think about the condition that I have to use a ship of the maximum rank available from any faction however, which, in my case, is rank 12 with the Federation. I’m only rank 6 with the Empire. At first I thought I could maybe uptier the ship and do it that way, but obviously undertiered ships are locked in matches and can’t be used. That means I literally can’t complete the mission.

“Oh well,” I thought, “tomorrow I’ll get another chance, I only miss out on 40 xenochips.” However, when I logged in today, I still had this mission active and can’t do anything about it. 

Can I somehow ditch the mission or am I stuck with it until the very end of the event, effectively decreasing the amount of Xenochips I can get from 640 to 320, effectively halfing it? 

I really hope you can help me with this, because it would be kinda annoying otherwise, since access to all crates is cut off.

Thanks for reading, 


It is totally doable if you only equip the highest ranking ships from a single faction, I just made a little mistake  ![o_O](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007.png “o_O”)

It is forbidden.

Cynical people would say that this is a scam designed to get you to buy a premium ship to circumvent the issue.

Neutral people (like me) would say that it is unfortunate but alas what can you do?

Optimistic people would collude with other players to trade the parts they need (yes this would cost real money, but less than buying every premium required to grind through).

That whole maximum available rank thing is a bit strange but the developers seem to like it, so again what can you do?

21 minutes ago, Elusif said:

It is forbidden.

Cynical people would say that this is a scam designed to get you to buy a premium ship to circumvent the issue.

Neutral people (like me) would say that it is unfortunate but alas what can you do?

Optimistic people would collude with other players to trade the parts they need (yes this would cost real money, but less than buying every premium required to grind through).

That whole maximum available rank thing is a bit strange but the developers seem to like it, so again what can you do?

Aww man, that’s annoying. Well, I guess there goes my chance to get the Spiral. And the Special weapon for the Endeavour. And some modules for the Endeavour. 


maybe i get the Problem wrong but you can do it with an R6 Empire LRF if R6 is the maximum Rank from Empire. Equip only R6 Empire Ships and try it.

1 minute ago, Taic said:

maybe i get the Problem wrong but you can do it with an R6 Empire LRF if R6 is the maximum Rank from Empire. Equip only R6 Empire Ships and try it.

The problem is that the mission is to get 3 kills with a disintegrator and the highest rank ship from  any faction you own. I tried it with rank 6 ships before.

7 minutes ago, Taic said:

maybe i get the Problem wrong but you can do it with an R6 Empire LRF if R6 is the maximum Rank from Empire. Equip only R6 Empire Ships and try it.

OMG, you were right! I accidently bought a rank 7 ship from the empire allready, that’s why it didn’t work, sorry for causing so much trouble  ![:007j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007j.png “:007j:”)