
I need to clarify how resists work. I noticed in some situations when your shield is low enough and shoot takes up to hull, game calculates whole damage by shield resist.




I have 100 shield with -100 EM resist and hull with +100 EM. I got hit by plasma that deal 1000 dmg. Negative res pumps up dmg to 1500 and I receive 100 shield damage and 1400 hull. Game will not take hull EM resist at all.


That would be explanating why I get so much hull damage when I got hit by disintegrator when I have half of shield.

I need to clarify how resists work. I noticed in some situations when your shield is low enough and shoot takes up to hull, game calculates whole damage by shield resist.




I have 100 shield with -100 EM resist and hull with +100 EM. I got hit by plasma that deal 1000 dmg. Negative res pumps up dmg to 1500 and I receive 100 shield damage and 1400 hull. Game will not take hull EM resist at all.


That would be explanating why I get so much hull damage when I got hit by disintegrator when I have half of shield.

IF it calculates Shield resistance for a Hull portion of a dmg it is BUG and has to be reported, Devs stated on multiple occasions that shield and hull dmg portions are separated and calculated accordingly to its own resistance values.

Be aware of 2 main rules:


EM deals additional dmg vs shield (but less vs hull)

Kin deals additional dmg vs hull (but less vs shield)


50 resistance points will cause 30% less dmg of this type

100 resi points will cause 50% less dmg of this type

200 resi points will cause 75% less dmg of this type


Hope this helps



Be aware of 2 main rules:


EM deals additional dmg vs shield (but less vs hull)

Kin deals additional dmg vs hull (but less vs shield)


This is misleading statement

Em or Kinetic do not do “more” dmg vs shield or hull in a sense that they dont have native dmg multipliers, “more” dmg comesfrom lover default/native resistances

I.E. if you have 100 kinetic resistance and 100 Thermal resistances on a hull, your dmg mitigation will be the same from lazers or railguns and there is no particular advantage in dmg type

thanks for the clarification - you are totally right

Haven’t tested it, will do it soon. Anyway, take Kostyan’s advice and make a report in the bug section so the devs can check it out.

[This](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20483-damage-resistance/)may help you.