Resists and survivabity

I would like to know if resists and regen speed count towards survivability,they reason i am asking this is because whenever i play on any ship,ecspecially tanky ships like styx, the survivability on my styx is 58k but when i got into batttle the shield and hull volume only add up to about 45k and i have no idea where the other 13k has went, i figure that the 13k counts as resists and regen speed,is that correct?

Only HP + static resists count towards survivability. Nothing else is taken into account, neither regen speed nor self heals, not non-static resists (adaptives, phase shield, multiphase or nanocomposite), not diffusion shield, not ship class, nothing.

implants and boosters are in, i suppose.


they after all modify some static values.

Static resists? Like galvanized armor?

if i read snib correctly, non-static would be anything which happens over time like recharge, or is dynamic, like adaptives or gigasII


basicly hull, shield, and the resistances count, so anything directly changing them, including galvanized armor.

Exact. Basically whatever shows in the full ship info tooltip.

Aha so thats why putting 3 armor plated hulls on styx isnt doing much :lol:



but it should also increase survivability. see [here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20483-developers-blog-from-july-10th-damage-resistance/) for more info about resis.


but it should also increase survivability. see [here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20483-developers-blog-from-july-10th-damage-resistance/) for more info about resis.
