
I’m not entirely sure if this message also shows up if I don’t have available funds (since I don’t, though I’m sure you guys have had numerous complaints on ship prices anyway), but if so, it’s fairly misleading. I recently achieved Rank 5 with Raid, Jericho, and yet I’m given the error that my reputation is too low to acquire a Rank 5 ship.

I had the Stiletto before the most recent update, so that’s why I’m able to have that.

So is the error message a little dumb, or is this a full fledged bug here? Or am I missing something entirely and I’m being dumb?

Well, upon logging in today, I’ve jumped back around 7000 in reputation, putting me squarely in Rank 4.

Now check out the fourth screenshot (ending 238). According to the score screen I’m Rank 1. Back in the hanger I am still Rank 4 however.

And now another thing spotted! I can still access the Rank 5 contracts. Fifth screenshot.

Sixth bug on the same issue, in the sixth screenshot. Essentially, the system told me I’ve ranked up to 6, as has the contracts screen, but the ships and main gauge tells me I’m still rank 5.







There is a bug in the tech tree system I guess. I got the same problem. The reputation in the tech tree is not the value shown in the hanger screen

Well, upon logging in today, I’ve jumped back around 7000 in reputation, putting me squarely in Rank 4.

I have the same problem too. It seems the reputation that showed on the Hangar screen doesn’t match to the reputation we actually have.