Reputation and Contracts

I’m a little confused regarding contracts and reputation. As I understood it, there are two Factions per Race, and you sign up to them. Every match you win or lose gives you reputation to the race and loyalty to the faction. But there is no way to get for a specific race while working for one faction?


Because I really like the Lynx. I also really like lasers. I can’t get the tier 2 or tier 3 Fighters because Im getting reputation into Empire, because I want those Pulse Lasers. Have I understood it correctly, or is there a way for me to earn reputation towards a specific faction while gaining loyalty towards another faction?


Because otherwise Im going to have to spend a LOT of money jumping between Legion and Armada…

If your federation, and you have aligned with an empire contract giver, you will get faction XP for Fed and Emp each battle.

If your federation, and you have aligned with an empire contract giver, you will get faction XP for Fed and Emp each battle.


it’s wrong,if you aligned an empire contract,you faction will change to empire,all faction xp is for emp.


main and you choose of contract.


one rank for ships,one rank  for equipment

it’s wrong,if you aligned an empire contract,you faction will change to empire,all faction xp is for emp.

main and you choose of contract.

one rank for ships,one rank for equipment

I have a federation Character, I have empire contracts. Each fight I come back from I earn rep towards Fed ships, Empire Ships, and the tech unlocks from those contracts.

I have a federation Character, I have empire contracts.  Each fight I come back from I earn XP towards Fed ships, Empire Ships, and the tech unlocks from those contracts.

I didn’t say ship exp, I say reputation.

you can get ship exp always no matter what faction you are.

I didn’t say ship exp, I say reputation.

you can get ship exp always no matter what faction you are.

I meant rep, corrected.