Report: Special Operations Achievements Bug

     FDEF and I did a special operations a few days ago (first time for me) and we won, we got it to 1% before it was almost through the portal, we killed it just before it passed through and we were all shouting and stuff and I woke up my brother a room down. I was recording it, but as soon as we finished, I tried stopping the recording, turns out I didnt have enough space to record, so it messed up the files and it got corrupt and didn’t save properly. BlueGalaxy was one of our pilots during the event and he took screenshots. Here is an FDEF forum post with the screenshots and the direct post from BlueGalaxy below.

WE DIDNT EVEN LOSE A SINGLE OUTPOST a few of us had deaths though (such as GreekPirate, JediObiwon, Bloodtormentor, Z3R0J33, Dalcastle2, SkywalkerBrSp, the other of us killed the rest of it alone how also unfortunate) how unfortunate. I request that the achievements for completion of the special operations be given to:































Well guys we did the impossible and to my surprise it was hard but very easy. I can’t give you a list of who was here for the special ops but we should honor Supersonico for her amazing pure skill and badass for helping take down the Destroyer. She knew exactly what she was doing. Here some screenshots. Oh yeah did i tell you that we won? Ask anybody to confirm that we won. Sorry but i don’t have a screenshot to prove the victory but i got alot of witnesses.
Attached Images







I’ve done the T3 one but haven’t finished the others yet. I believe there are more things to deal with in t5…

I’ve done the T3 one but haven’t finished the others yet. I believe there are more things to deal with in t5…

Everyone should definitely play this mission on tier V!

Everyone should definitely play this mission on tier V!

You know how hard that is? its harder than the defiler! I’ve gotten the defiler to 15% but I havent even gotten the destroyer past 80! O.O

if you dont believe that we completed it, think about this, we dropped its health by 60% in 10 minutes

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