repair cost


i have had a situations when i was losing over and over… so each repair took a lot of cash, and the reward for losing is much less than you need. in that case you are greatly losing your cash.

i want to remind you that we are using licenses which are giving us a little more cash compare to normal situation. and yes, we are getting gold for licenses from developers.

imo repair cost should be smaller, especially when you cant unmount your ship, so you have to flye with it anyway… so when i have 3, and we will lose (destroyed) i will pay for each one i have…

what do you think guys?


That´s right. When you lose you won´t have enough money to repair all off your ships (sometimes you still get enough money if you killed many players and took over some beacons). If you take the money for rockets into account you suffer even more from the low money income.

But then again, if you win you normally get twice as much money as you would need to repair all of your ships (most of the time you don´t have to do this cause you won) and you get loot at the end too. I never ran into money problems so far (all tier 3 ships atm). Bevor I get to tier 4 I may have 4-5 mil credits. Even without a license i don´t see a problem, but I have to mention that I´m winning most of the time^^

And if worst comes to worst don´t repair all off your ships. Only the one you are best with. If the other 2 ships reach 0% hp you can´t use them anymore, which means even if you lose you get more income than you need for your one ship. Only prob is you will lose much more cause your team suffers 2 ships^^

Thanks this issue is known and I recommend not to go on T4 until this is fixed.

Is T4 that much more expensive in repair costs? Or don´t you get more money with T4? Have to try it either way :stuck_out_tongue:

It costed me 4-8m to equip the ships and if you are only fighting against T2/3 ships it will be hard to get the money for the repair costs.

winning depends from team not from one player, even when im the best in party, still i can easly lose… thx Error for tip… well we have to wait then

there are a few tricks to …controlling repair costs, here are a few.

1- learn to play 1 size ship well and dont buy others. the light is excellent for this for a few reasons- it has the hyper jump so you can evade danger if you see it coming and also allows you to zip past all the bots and go for beacons getting effiency points for capping. this cuts your losses if you lose and if you are in a light your losses will be very minimal. and if you get good even if you lose you will die very rarely so your credits will build quickly even while taking losses.

2- if you have multiple tiers of ships fly all of the same tier and if the mm puts you in your t2 ships up against a t3 person, just quit the battle - jump into another tier of ships and click fight again, i do this especially with my t3 ships when i get opponents that i know destroy me without a thought or someone with t4’s. t3’s get real expensive to repair, about 26k just for losing the heavy. another time i like to leave battles early is, and this is especially true in beta, when you go into a fight against 3-4 players- generally this means that they are a squad and all communicating on a 3rd party program and probably gonna give you a very high repair bill and very low earnings for the match. unfortunately a lot of us dont speak russian or other language and even then we only have a couple seconds to coordinate a small group of strangers.

if i think of more i will edit this post

there are a few tricks to …controlling repair costs, here are a few.

1- learn to play 1 size ship well and dont buy others. the light is excellent for this for a few reasons- it has the hyper jump so you can evade danger if you see it coming and also allows you to zip past all the bots and go for beacons getting effiency points for capping. this cuts your losses if you lose and if you are in a light your losses will be very minimal. and if you get good even if you lose you will die very rarely so your credits will build quickly even while taking losses.

2- if you have multiple tiers of ships fly all of the same tier and if the mm puts you in your t2 ships up against a t3 person, just quit the battle - jump into another tier of ships and click fight again, i do this especially with my t3 ships when i get opponents that i know destroy me without a thought or someone with t4’s. t3’s get real expensive to repair, about 26k just for losing the heavy. another time i like to leave battles early is, and this is especially true in beta, when you go into a fight against 3-4 players- generally this means that they are a squad and all communicating on a 3rd party program and probably gonna give you a very high repair bill and very low earnings for the match. unfortunately a lot of us dont speak russian or other language and even then we only have a couple seconds to coordinate a small group of strangers.

if i think of more i will edit this post