Rennie's Videos

Since I’m posting a few I may as well make a thread for new ones :wink:


ECMs in a nutshell




That is too true…

Would be funny to make a Defiler Survival video with touhou music playing over it just to poke fun at both franchises

(Albiet I doubt it would draw attention from team shanghai alice, ZUN, Gaijin, or StarGem)

There is a Bigger Bug, in your Bomb!

There is a Bigger Bug, in your Bomb!

Holy xxxx.

rip this bug


Your link is broken. Take out the ?#/

Your link is broken. Take out the ?#/

I copied it from my phone so yeah the link had extra crap in it lol

It works \o/

T5 Spec Ops Destroyer.

1 Second remaining Kill.

It will be uploaded Soon™

How soon? When it’s Ready©®™

Poor captain, inattentive enemy team…




Haha XD brilliant

How much time do you spend on editing these things?

It was probably an hour or two on the Dalek one. I kind of remember scenes and have ideas of which sounds to put where. The visual effect is just overlay with transparency. The gameplay was easy sincce it was short and needed no interruptions.

It was probably an hour or two on the Dalek one. I kind of remember scenes and have ideas of which sounds to put where. The visual effect is just overlay with transparency. The gameplay was easy sincce it was short and needed no interruptions.

Neat! What do you use to do the recordings and editing?

NVidia Shadowplay for recording, then I just use the “eternal trail version” of Camtasia 8 to edit ;p With GIMP or Paint for some image things or Audacity to record audio that isn’t from the game itself :slight_smile:


I  now use AMD “Plays.TV” to record and Sony Vegas to edit since Camtasia stuffs up the audio on the “new” PC. Performance in SC is the same or even slightly worse at times despite the GPUs having at least 2x more processing capability…

As always, good videos rennie! Keep up the good work.