Remove smartbombs.

Seriously, they add nothing to the game exept the camping blob of long range frigates experience.

Every time you try to flank a camping long range frigate with small ship, you get your xxxx smart bombed without exeption.

There is a thread there that whines about the disintegrators. Well, they are part of the problem, but not as tastless and bad as smartbombing all small ships out of the sky. It takes skill to dodge and to sneak behind someone. It takes no skill to press a button and see interceptor go boom.

I think the item can stay it just needs a better balance which could be in the next patches.

What possible contribution to a fun factor of the game can a module that takes no skill and instafrag small ships if used in mass can give?

I can understand how the module looks good on paper, but it ruins the game balance and skews it towards the big ships, big blobs.

It is a module that has ruined many good fights, when small ship got a jump on the big sniper, and is abaout to kill it, when it just blows up

and see the message: dickface420Xxxxlolnoob → Smartbomb t1 mk1 your xxxx lol u mad?

Today. we were capping one flag, with 3 men, 1 intty and 2 assaults.

Lonely frigate walks in, presses 2 buttons.

hurrdurr —> t2 premium smartbomb player X

hurrdurr —> t2 premium smartbomb player Y

hurrdurr —> t2 premium smartbomb player Z


Lets be serious in here. Removing this module will save you a lot of trouble later, if this game happens to get popularity.

Right now, the small player base means there is few people that whines about the blatant imbalances. Anecdotes like these are very common.

The only problem smartbomb has is high dmg in close combat. Originally it was desinged for frigate agains blind spot huggers in close range. But the high dmg output allows to press 1 button and smash xyz ship out of the space. Reducing the dmg output will be fine and give it a better balance. Maybe something about 15-20% reduction would be fine.

The only problem smartbomb has is high dmg in close combat. Originally it was desinged for frigate agains blind spot huggers in close range. But the high dmg output allows to press 1 button and smash xyz ship out of the space. Reducing the dmg output will be fine and give it a better balance. Maybe something about 15-20% reduction would be fine.

Sitting in blind spot of the big ship is one of the SELLING POINTS that small ships have. Sitting in blind spot takes skill to do properly, make a single mistake and you will be blasted to hell by a ship that has more durability and firepower.

So what is the point of flying small ships, if you will get sniped from long range or grilled with lasers from medium range by a 3 harpies hugging each other? You have no prayer to get even to weapons range with equal force, if 3+ harpies are in teamspeak and co ordinated. And if you manage to get close, you just get facerolled by a smartbomb. The “Ace” games dont suffer from this, but the more advance the ships and more experienced the players become, matches turn from fun gauntlets to boring sniper fests and asteroid camping/ beacon drone sniping.

Any attempt to charge the camper is doomed from the start, when you know that you will get smartbombs in your face the second you get withing your plasma guns range.

It looks like smartbomb is mandatory equipment on a frigate.

Any devs who might be reeding this, do a quick database scan for smartbombs fitted on frigates and compare that to the portion of frigates w/o one.

Seriously, if you want to keep smartbombs, then make them a repulse weapon: a weapon that pushes things AWAY from the ship. And any damage dealt is possible collision damage to objects.


Seriously, smartbombs are balanced and predestined for anti Ship use,

1,6km range isnt that great,

just don’t be hotheaded and try a frigate toe on toe, circle from 3km and bomb his back!

yeah theyr fine now…

this thread was relevant when it was created… almost 2 monthes ago lol

smart bombs used to do 1k+ dps and getting near a frig was insant death, unlike now when its “only” 400…

try not to necro everything :v

sry i wasnt aware of the date.

ill look before posting next time :smiley:

Since it seems that there is a good balance now, I will close this topic.
