reminder about the text errors, punctuations, translation assistance, etc.

I wish to remind some people, which can spot any text errors in the game, that they can report them immediately, without wasting any time on the forums.


Here is a few steps, on how to do it:


Step number 1: Check the option to enable it. It’s disabled by default.




Step number 2: Press and hold left Alt + left Shift + that key above Tab and before 1, tilde key ~ . You will see a pulsating red glow then. Click on the desired area with your left mouse button.




A new window will appear.

You can clear the text and make your properly formed error report, to let the developers know, what exactly is wrong.

I believe, that this tool was originally intended for translation assistance, but it can also be used for text reports, like misspelled words and so on.

Click on send report option with your left mouse button, to send the report.


In this case, word disassmebled was reported and corrected to disassembled.

Dreadnaught is also a misspelled word. Correct one is Dreadnought.




Sincerely, Koromac

On AZERTY it is alt + left shift + ²

which one is the tilde key on german keyboards? [AltGr]+[+]?



Step number 2: Press and hold left Alt + left Shift + that key above Tab and before 1, tilde key ~ . You will see a pulsating red glow then. Click on the desired area with your left mouse button.

Does not even work. The key above tab produces ^ or with shift °


It seems that only english keybords can support the devs.


I actually joined the forums because of this. 

I see alot of info/text in the game that either needs a little correction or is more or less impossible to understand.

I would love to help making the game better, especially for new players (as myself) but I see a problem with using the in-game suggestion option. In my opinion, close to everything should be rewritten, for both correct info but also a more coherent text, where the info on modules, ships etc. match and look alike. 

As mentioned I’d love to help, but I’d need a more direct contact with a dev who understands enough english. I would ask him “is this what it is supposed to mean” and we owuld work our way from there.

I’ll add some examples below:


I think it means. On use all allies in range become immune… 




This may be understandable, but words clutter and the “googloly translaty” just seems a bit off.




This is a common thing throughout the game. Many places ‘on’ is used instead of ‘in’. A minor detail, but it still have quite the impact.




This makes perfect sense, but I’m guessing because of how russian language works compared to english, translation puts some meanings last in a sentence instead of in the front.

Or it could just be a typo.




‘In space and on the surface’ can be discussed, perhaps there is something in the game I dont know about yet.

What really makes this module and many others confusing, is the amount of data in no specific order. It could easily be divided in to certain groups for f.ex what mode it is in, and not just in one pile.

Groups could be for offensive stats and defensive stats. Active/passive and so on. 

But this isn’t why I’m here, just a sidenote I’ve noticed, though it do go hand in hand with the general order of the text in the game.




This is a few picks I’ve seen in the game, there are many more, but many of them have been passed right by because there is not much doubt what a missile do, or an EM shield buff.

I hope the dev’s wont take this as irrelevant criticism and instead see the eagerness from a fan trying to make a great game better.


Dev’s let me hear from you if you think I can be of assistance and you’d like my help.




On 6.01.2018 at 3:33 PM, Grammarmispelled said:

I think it means. On use all allies in range become immune… 




I cannot comment on your main subject, but this is actually correct. Ships in range are getting transparent for 2.5 seconds (like ghosts in movies - hence the name “Green Mist”).

The info for all the special modules for the Waz’Got is not consistent, because it lacks info on which drones heal what or don’t heal etc. Lacking is also turret angular speed etc, would need some consistency overwork…

Hi, ORCA 1911, here it is:

  1. It should be check “Guest” instead of “Guess.”

  2. Guest: a person who is invited to visit the home of or take part in a function organized by another.

  3. Guess: estimate or suppose (something) without sufficient information to be sure of being correct.

Привет, ORCA 1911, вот оно:

  1. Надо поставить галочку «Гость» вместо «Угадай».

  2. Гость: человек, которого приглашают посетить дом или принять участие в мероприятии, организованном другим лицом.

  3. Угадайте: оцените или предположите (что-то) без достаточной информации, чтобы быть уверенным в правильности.




  1. It should be “Trying” instead of “Tryibg.”

  2. Это должно быть «T-r-y-i-n-g» вместо «T-r-y-i-b-g».




23 hours ago, erictan920 said:

Hi, ORCA 1911, here it is:

  1. It should be check “Guest” instead of “Guess.”

  2. Guest: a person who is invited to visit the home of or take part in a function organized by another.

  3. Guess: estimate or suppose (something) without sufficient information to be sure of being correct.






There is no issue with that. Winkler is guessing (“I feel that a Cartel observer is somewhere in the system already”) and your mission is to check that guess is correct. 


23 hours ago, erictan920 said:

  1. It should be “Trying” instead of “Tryibg.”

And that is definitely an issue ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

These instructions are a bit complicated to follow,



Step number 1: Check the option to enable it. It’s disabled by default.


can you please update the screenshots? Or tell how is called the option to enable to send typo reports from the game.




Step number 2: Press and hold left Alt + left Shift + that key above Tab and before 1, tilde key  ~  . You will see a pulsating red glow then. Click on the desired area with your left mouse button.


Also, is there another combination of keys for Italian keyboard? I don’t have tilde key  ~

I realised that the instructions written by Koromac refer to a procedure IN FORUM and not in game, as I thought initially.

| Error report |
| Describe problem and what you saw | Typo in weapon description |
| What you expected to see | Not this typo |
| Conditions in which error reproduce | It is a typo |
| Problem details | It is a typo in the hangar |
| Frequency of reproduction | always |
| Time of bug |   |

