"Relic" (Discussion)

Welcome to discuss [New Screenshot Contest!](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/32713-screenshot-contest-relic/)


I have a 1.5TB HDD but I barely save any media on it, I have nothing to show from the past, maybe I can find some unnamed footage or something, hm.

2 hours ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

I have a 1.5TB HDD but I barely save any media on it, I have nothing to show from the past, maybe I can find some unnamed footage or something, hm.

I have 2*2TB and a 256GB sdd and nuked my windows partition lately -> no old screenshots


…except maybe on my external disk

I should consider a bigger SSD, 128GB might not do much for Windows, BF1 and SC, I can try 256, but not sure if I should stick to SATA, I’ll see…

Lost all mine to -The Virus- ages ago so I don’t have any of my oldest screenies. *sigh*

32 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Lost all mine to -The Virus- ages ago so I don’t have any of my oldest screenies. *sigh*

How do one even get a Virus?

1 hour ago, John161 said:

How do one even get a Virus?

Well in my case I made it but that’s besides the point.

2 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Well in my case I made it but that’s besides the point.

gj killing your own system with your own virus.

7 minutes ago, John161 said:

gj killing your own system with your own virus.

Sometimes i think he is the virus…

Nah I had to nuke it. Otherwise it would have taken my network down. XD

I have a good screenshot destroyed as a very pleasant flying class destroyers support, and how to http://prntscr.com/e4bhaj , http://prntscr.com/e4biyu they did it http://prntscr.com/e4bl04.

I could not help but shown how you can destroy the good ships and promote new just to earn on young players.

I lost all my old screenshots ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)

Edit: Fortunetly i found some old screenshots from past mwhahahaahahah!!!


The one time my 2000 screenshots are worth anything is when my hard drive with them (along with everything else I had) fails… you know… now that I think about it… are GIF images allowed?

The one time my 2000 screenshots are worth anything is when my hard drive with them (along with everything else I had) fails… you know… now that I think about it… are GIF images allowed?

The time has come to declare the winners! As one said - It’s better a little bit late, than never) Here comes the best:

• First place — 100 xenocrystals -  Kilrathikiller

• Second place — 80 xenocrystals -  Milfeulle

• Third place — 60 xenocrystals -  JasanQuinn

Congratulations to all the winners! See you on the next contest! ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

No participation prizes this time? xd

I come across this comment exposing my indignation and other players in relation to the event: (sector conquest), Ranking 7-9. When entering the event a certain NASA CORPORATION, somehow manages to circumvent the rules of the server, for example: “sector conquest” ranking 7-9 NASA manages to enter with ranking 15. Ranking 9 vs 15 very easy! This is ugly winning event being dishonest with other players, a corporation with such good players do not have to do that sort of thing against the other players. Unfortunate as some are benefiting compared to others in a game of this dimension! Link a video recording the match showing the disadvantage! Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKDeny4iSas&feature=youtu.be Thank you all!


40 minutes ago, DIONIPASTORIO1 said:

I come across this comment exposing my indignation and other players in relation to the event: (sector conquest), Ranking 7-9. When entering the event a certain NASA CORPORATION, somehow manages to circumvent the rules of the server, for example: “sector conquest” ranking 7-9 NASA manages to enter with ranking 15. Ranking 9 vs 15 very easy! This is ugly winning event being dishonest with other players, a corporation with such good players do not have to do that sort of thing against the other players. Unfortunate as some are benefiting compared to others in a game of this dimension! Link a video recording the match showing the disadvantage! Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKDeny4iSas&feature=youtu.be Thank you all!


Dude rly, look at the topic name…