Release anniversary!

A year ago, on September 4, 2014, we officially released Star Conflict. We’ve had a year of capturing beacons, fighting against Aliens, exploring space, glorious victories and incredible defeats.

Over the past year we have seen battles of mighty dreadnoughts, struggle against the Defiler and numerous intriguing rounds on the tournament circuit. We added the pinnacle of ship designs — ‘secret projects’, a number of new battlegrounds, and other innovations — everything that makes our game universe the way it is now.


We offer you to plunge into the past and remember how our game world changed during this time.






The Alien invasion that started in our project a year ago, and in the game universe it took several decades, continues to this day. Now the Aliens are not as active as last year, but this does not mean they’re less dangerous. During this time, mercenaries destroyed about half a million invaders, held off a thousand attacks of giant ships, known as the Defilers, built several hundred dreadnoughts, founded a few thousand corporations, spent a lot time of fighting for control over locations, produced millions of pieces of Iridium, hundreds of thousands tons of ore and rare earth metals essential for the creation of new types of weapons and defence modules. Thousands of pilots took part in about half a million PvP battles, and completed almost two hundred thousand PvE missions. The mercenaries —our pilots — became the major driving force in the project.


Holidays ‘Spark’ missiles are available for purchase from September 4 to September 9.

Attention! In update 1.2 the following premium ships will only be available in the new DLC, along with premium subscription days.


  • Imperial fighter Loki

  • Jericho fighter Razor

  • Jericho frigate Blood Tormentor

  • Jericho fighter Sawtooth

  • Jericho interceptor Cutter

  • Jericho frigate Mauler


After the update they will no longer be obtainable with Galactic standards.

From now and until update 1.2, these ships will be available at a discount of 40%


If you are planning to buy the ships for Galactic Standards, Now is the best time!


