Regarding contracts + gripes

Hello, and thank you for a great game. I have a few questions and gripes. First of all, regarding contracts. They are vague, and there are no tooltips to explain them. Here is an image I’ve put together to better illustrate what I mean And now for my gripes: federation frigates are absolutely worthless compared to the frigets of the other factions. I haven’t actually compared any stats BUT, all the other frigates have long range ABILITIES. For example the guided missile, or the sniper. Thoroughly unbalanced in my opinion. I’ve been in a match where there were three enemy ships sniping. Winning was a bitter grind, because you could not reach them. This brings me to my 2nd gripe: there are no means of communicating effectively. And I’m fairly sure not too many people that use the map either. What ends up happening is people have no tactical awareness, thus ruining the game. Another thing that doesn’t seem entirely fair is the fact that there are some very useful keys for actions that are never mentioned OR assigned; such as targeting the ship that’s targeting you, or targeting a ship that’s being targeted by a squadmate. Well, that’s it for now, off the top of my head. I really want to see this game rise to it’s full potential. So many oportunities for strategizing, tactical play, and teamwork, yet many people playing it like a mere space shooter. Thanks again !


PS: just as I was about to end this topic, I remembered wondering about ship control mode Seriously, if there is any way to better control your ship we should know about it.

I have never been one to enjoy handholding from games… I am glad there isn’t a 2 hour long tutorial and annoying popup boxes that you have to click through before you can play the game.

The contracts/missions could probably be clearer, but for the most part the objectives aren’t difficult to figure out.

I have never been one to enjoy handholding from games… I am glad there isn’t a 2 hour long tutorial and annoying popup boxes that you have to click through before you can play the game.

The contracts/missions could probably be clearer, but for the most part the objectives aren’t difficult to figure out.

Well, that’s actually a bit off topic. I am not a fan of long tutorials either, unless they are strictly required. This however is about the ambiguity of certain game aspects, and not at all about a tutorial. It’s about explaining things that are in the game, whether you want to look at them or not.

This thread made me chuckle.


Concerning your contract screenshot:

There ARE, in fact, Armada ships. Did you even take a look at the ship tech-tree? There always is a basic ship (Lynx in your case) which then branches of into two different models. The upper one is Armada, the lower one vanguard. Which you would’ve known if you looked at their description. Yes, it could be declared more clearly, but a bit of legwork (or rather clickwork in this case) never hurt anyone.

And you could find out wether or not the contract with the “destroy enemies with plasma weapons” has to be done in one match can be found out quite easily. By playing a match. Also: Just read the description of the contracts! Before you can sign them, there pops up a window with a much longer description of what you have to do. And I have yet to find a quest where the longer description doesn’t tell me exactly what to do, where to do it and how to do it.


Federation frigates:

The thing about too many snipers is, that you will lose the game, since the enemy will have more ships actually doing objectives. At least in most arcade missions. And I personally love the federation frigates. They are the only frigates that can actually dodge the enemies fire, while both other frigates just sit there like bricks, takeing it like… well. And drones are amazing in fighting of interceptors, which are the bane of both empire and jericho frigs.

So the federation frig just has another role than empire and jericho. While those two sit back, jericho is in the thick of battle, buffing friends and tearing apart enemies.

Although, in my opinion, -ALL- frigs should take part in melee. A well equip empire T2 frig soaks up damage like a sponge and kicks like a mule, same goes for T2 jericho. Their long range weaponry should be used situational, to clear beacon defenders or help friends.

Federation frigates:

The thing about too many snipers is, that you will lose the game, since the enemy will have more ships actually doing objectives. At least in most arcade missions. And I personally love the federation frigates. They are the only frigates that can actually dodge the enemies fire, while both other frigates just sit there like bricks, takeing it like… well. And drones are amazing in fighting of interceptors, which are the bane of both empire and jericho frigs.

So the federation frig just has another role than empire and jericho. While those two sit back, jericho is in the thick of battle, buffing friends and tearing apart enemies.

Although, in my opinion, -ALL- frigs should take part in melee. A well equip empire T2 frig soaks up damage like a sponge and kicks like a mule, same goes for T2 jericho. Their long range weaponry should be used situational, to clear beacon defenders or help friends.

Any tips for how you set up your fed frig.  I run speed buffs, hull/shield buffs, a propulsion inhib/puslar, and let rockets and missles fly and have been going back and forth between laser and plasma.

Any tips for how you set up your fed frig.  I run speed buffs, hull/shield buffs, a propulsion inhib/puslar, and let rockets and missles fly and have been going back and forth between laser and plasma.

I’d go with plasma, since fed factions give you access to rank 3 plasma weapons. Concerning your loadout… I like it. Pretty much the same I have. One thing about the missles (and rockets), though: If you use plasma weapons, you should use kinetic missles and coup d’grace your enemies with them. That really helps against the damage falloff plasma has against hull.

This thread made me chuckle.


Concerning your contract screenshot:

There ARE, in fact, Armada ships. Did you even take a look at the ship tech-tree? There always is a basic ship (Lynx in your case) which then branches of into two different models. The upper one is Armada, the lower one vanguard. Which you would’ve known if you looked at their description. Yes, it could be declared more clearly, but a bit of legwork (or rather clickwork in this case) never hurt anyone.


Yes I did in fact look throughout the ship tech-tree. But I barely noticed this This is in fact an issue regarding clarity.


And you could find out wether or not the contract with the “destroy enemies with plasma weapons” has to be done in one match can be found out quite easily. By playing a match. Also: Just read the description of the contracts! Before you can sign them, there pops up a window with a much longer description of what you have to do. And I have yet to find a quest where the longer description doesn’t tell me exactly what to do, where to do it and how to do it.


If you’re referring to the help popup, it doesn’t really help all that much (with the issues I’m mentioning) but nevertheless, I’m not trying to bash here, just saying things could be a little clearer.

Federation frigates:

The thing about too many snipers is, that you will lose the game, since the enemy will have more ships actually doing objectives. At least in most arcade missions. And I personally love the federation frigates. They are the only frigates that can actually dodge the enemies fire, while both other frigates just sit there like bricks, takeing it like… well. And drones are amazing in fighting of interceptors, which are the bane of both empire and jericho frigs.


Well, that’s not my experience with them. In fact I recall taking out several federation frigates at a time with my team mates :expressionless: Like just simply obliterate them. And I don’t recall ever getting more than two kills with a federation frigate before being completely wiped out. I’m talking about T1 here.

So the federation frig just has another role than empire and jericho. While those two sit back, jericho is in the thick of battle, buffing friends and tearing apart enemies.

Although, in my opinion, -ALL- frigs should take part in melee. A well equip empire T2 frig soaks up damage like a sponge and kicks like a mule, same goes for T2 jericho. Their long range weaponry should be used situational, to clear beacon defenders or help friends.


Well, I’ll have to play more I guess, but even without much knowledge about the game I can tell that things feel out of balance with frigates. Maybe later in the game they get better.


In any case, thanks for the feedback, I’ll take more time to carefully look into things. Cheers !

Well if you’re running plasma you’ll have access to the Needler which changes your plasma into Kinetic. 

Well, that’s not my experience with them. In fact I recall taking out several federation frigates at a time with my team mates :expressionless: Like just simply obliterate them. And I don’t recall ever getting more than two kills with a federation frigate before being completely wiped out. I’m talking about T1 here.


That’s because at T1, you don’t have all the cool toys that you need to truly make certain ship sizes/classes shine. There are a lot more available at T2 that make fed frigates into monster-brawlers, especially if they have backup from Command-class Fighters that can give out resistance boosts to all nearby friendlies.



Well if you’re running plasma you’ll have access to the Needler which changes your plasma into Kinetic. 


You don’t even need that, though, since he’s talking about T1 thusfar. Lynx-M, target painter. Ships melt. Plasma is just insane early on and the ability to swap to kinetic only makes it more dangerous. I racked up thirteen kills and eight assists in one T1 match the other day, enough to trip both the ‘12 kills in a fighter in one match’ and ‘12 plasma kills in one match’ medals.